Graham Colton Band
All The World Tonight

All of the innocence has gone, Away
Son, someday, you'll be a man
All of the air I breathe has after taste
Son, someday you'll understand
Cause I am looking off, in the distance
Beyond the neon lights
And I can see all
All the world tonight
All the memories are locked away
Soon someday you'll take them down
All this waiting for my big parade
Soon someday its coming to town
Cause I am looking off, in the distance
Beyond the neon lights
And I can see all
The stars are out tonight
But I'm missing all
Of my good friends
I promised I would write
And I can see all
All the world tonight
Cause Im looking off, in the distance
Beyond the neon lights
And I can see all
The stars are out tonight
And I missing all of my good friends
I promised I would write
And I can see all
The moments passing by
Yeah im looking across all the buildings
And all the billboard signs
I can see all
All the world
All the world tonight
Cause I can see everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
Yeah, I know I got everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
Yeah, I know I got everything
Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah, I know I got everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
Yeah, I know I got everything
And I can see everything
And I can see everything
Cause I can see everything
All the world tonight
All the world
I can see all
And all the billboard signs
Yeah im looking across all the buildings
The moments passing by
And I can see all
I promised I would write
And I missing all of my good friends
The stars are out tonight
And I can see all
Beyond the neon lights
Cause Im looking off, in the distance
All the world tonight
And I can see all
I promised I would write
Of my good friends
But I'm missing all
The stars are out tonight
And I can see all
Beyond the neon lights
Cause I am looking off, in the distance
Soon someday its coming to town
All this waiting for my big parade
Soon someday you'll take them down
All the memories are locked away
All the world tonight
And I can see all
Beyond the neon lights
Cause I am looking off, in the distance
Son, someday you'll understand
All of the air I breathe has after taste
Son, someday, you'll be a man
All of the innocence has gone, Away

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThe WWorld TTonight ll he orld onight lAl hTe oWrld oTnight zll fhe aorld fonight zAll fThe aWorld fTonight Azll Tfhe Waorld Tfonight
qll 5he 3orld 5onight qAll 5The 3World 5Tonight Aqll T5he W3orld T5onight sll hhe dorld honight sAll hThe dWorld hTonight Asll Thhe Wdorld Thonight
wll yhe eorld yonight wAll yThe eWorld yTonight Awll Tyhe Weorld Tyonight xll 6he sorld 6onight xAll 6The sWorld 6Tonight Axll T6he Wsorld T6onight
Alll ghe 2orld gonight Al gThe 2World gTonight All Tghe W2orld Tgonight Akl rhe qorld ronight Akll rThe qWorld rTonight Alkl Trhe Wqorld Tronight
Aol Woorld Toonight Aoll Te Wrld Tnight Alol Teh Wrold Tnoight Apl Tje Wkrld Tknight Apll Tjhe Wkorld Tkonight Alpl Thje Wokrld Toknight
Tue W9rld T9night Tuhe W9orld T9onight Thue Wo9rld To9night Alk Tne W0rld T0night Tnhe W0orld T0onight Allk Thne Wo0rld To0night
Alo Tbe Wlrld Tlnight Tbhe Wlorld Tlonight Allo Thbe Wolrld Tolnight Alp Tge Wirld Tinight Wiorld Tionight Allp Thge Woirld Toinight
Tye Worrld Tonnight Wold Toight Thye Wolrd Toinght Thee Wodld Tomight Th Wodrld Tomnight The Wordld Tonmight
Ths Wo4ld Tohight Thse Wo4rld Tohnight Thes Wor4ld Tonhight Th3 Wogld Tojight Th3e Wogrld Tojnight The3 Worgld Tonjight
Thf Wotld Tobight Thfe Wotrld Tobnight Thef Wortld Tonbight Thr Wo5ld Toniight Thre Wo5rld Tonght Ther Wor5ld Tongiht
Th4 Wofld Tonjght Th4e Wofrld The4 Worfld Tonijght Thd Woeld Ton9ght Thde Woerld Ton9ight Thed Woreld Toni9ght
Thw Worlld Tonlght Thwe Word Tonlight Thew Wordl Tonilght Workd Tonoght

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