Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
Ain't No Time

Well there ain't no time to let that gun by shy babe
There ain't no time to live up to the lie babe
There ain't no time to let the well run dry babe
There's far too many things to do
Before the day is through

Well there ain't no way of pushing back the clock babe
There ain't no way to make the bad man stop babe
There ain't no time to holler out until your face turns blue
Because there's far too many things to do
Before the day is through
Well there ain't no time

Purple mountain's majesty has turned all black and blue
The shots that fired up the hill
They're headed right for you
There ain't not time to look me in the eye
Or ask me what i'm doing
There's far too many things to do
Before the war is through
There ain't no time

Mirror lyrics:

There ain't no time
Before the war is through
There's far too many things to do
Or ask me what i'm doing
There ain't not time to look me in the eye
They're headed right for you
The shots that fired up the hill
Purple mountain's majesty has turned all black and blue

Well there ain't no time
Before the day is through
Because there's far too many things to do
There ain't no time to holler out until your face turns blue
There ain't no way to make the bad man stop babe
Well there ain't no way of pushing back the clock babe

Before the day is through
There's far too many things to do
There ain't no time to let the well run dry babe
There ain't no time to live up to the lie babe
Well there ain't no time to let that gun by shy babe

Relevant Tags:
AAin't NNo TTime in't o ime iAn't oN iTme zin't mo fime zAin't mNo fTime Azin't Nmo Tfime qin't ho 5ime qAin't hNo 5Time Aqin't Nho T5ime
sin't jo hime sAin't jNo hTime Asin't Njo Thime win't bo yime wAin't bNo yTime Awin't Nbo Tyime xin't Noo 6ime xAin't N 6Time Axin't No T6ime
Aiin't Nk gime An't Nko gTime Ani't Nok Tgime Ajn't N9 rime Ajin't N9o rTime Aijn't No9 Trime A9n't N0 Tiime A9in't N0o Tme Ai9n't No0 Tmie
Aln't Nl Tjme Alin't Nlo Tjime Ailn't Nol Tijme Aon't Ni T9me Aoin't Nio T9ime Aion't Noi Ti9me Akn't Tlme Akin't Tlime Aikn't Tilme
A8n't Tome A8in't Toime Ai8n't Tiome Aun't Tkme Auin't Tkime Aiun't Tikme

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