Grace Jones
What I Did For Love

Kiss today goodbye,
The sweetness and the sorrow,
Wish me luck, the same to you,
But I can't regret, what I did for love,
What I did for love.

Look my eyes are dry,
The gift was ours to borrow,
It's as if we always knew,
What I did for love,
What I did for love.

Gone, love is never gone,
As we travel on,
Love's what we remember

Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
We did, what we had to do,

Won't forget, can't regret, what I did for love,
What I did for love,
What I did for love,

Gone, love is never gone,
As we travel on,
That's what we remember.

Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
We did, what we had to do,

Won't forget, can't regret, what I did for love,
What I did for love,
What I did for love,
What I did for love,

Mirror lyrics:

What I did for love,
What I did for love,
What I did for love,
Won't forget, can't regret, what I did for love,

We did, what we had to do,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
Kiss today goodbye,

That's what we remember.
As we travel on,
Gone, love is never gone,

What I did for love,
What I did for love,
Won't forget, can't regret, what I did for love,

We did, what we had to do,
And point me t'ward tomorrow,
Kiss today goodbye,

Love's what we remember
As we travel on,
Gone, love is never gone,

What I did for love.
What I did for love,
It's as if we always knew,
The gift was ours to borrow,
Look my eyes are dry,

What I did for love.
But I can't regret, what I did for love,
Wish me luck, the same to you,
The sweetness and the sorrow,
Kiss today goodbye,

Relevant Tags:
WWhat II DDid FFor LLove hat id or ove hWat I iDd oFr oLve ahat j xid cor kove aWhat jI xDid cFor kLove Wahat Ij Dxid Fcor Lkove
3hat 9 eid ror oove 3What 9I eDid rFor oLove W3hat I9 Deid Fror Loove dhat l fid gor pove dWhat lI fDid gFor pLove Wdhat Il Dfid Fgor Lpove
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2hat 8 sid dor L9ve 2What 8I sDid dFor L9ove W2hat I8 Dsid Fdor Lo9ve qhat u Diid Foor L0ve qWhat uI Dd Fr L0ove Wqhat Iu Ddi Fro Lo0ve
Whhat Djd Fkr Llve Wat Djid Fkor Llove Waht Dijd Fokr Lolve Wjat D9d F9r Live Wjhat D9id F9or Liove Whjat Di9d Fo9r Loive
Wuat Dld F0r Lovve Wuhat Dlid F0or Loe Whuat Dild Fo0r Loev Wnat Dod Flr Lobe Wnhat Doid Flor Lobve Whnat Diod Folr Lovbe
Wbat Dkd Fir Loce Wbhat Dkid Fior Locve Whbat Dikd Foir Lovce Wgat D8d Forr Loge Wghat D8id Fo Logve Whgat Di8d For Lovge
Wyat Dud Fod Lofe Wyhat Duid Fodr Lofve

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