Grace Jones
The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game

Every day brings change,
And the world puts on a new face,
Certain things rearange,
And the world seems like a new place.

Secretly I've been trailing you,
Like a Fox that preys on a Rabbit,
I had to get you, and so I knew,
I had to learn all your ways and all your habbits.

You're the catch that I was after,
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
And I know I was captured.

What's this whole world coming to,
Things just ain't the same,
Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.

I had laid such a tender trap,
Hoping you might fall into it,
But love hit me with a sudden slap,
Just one of your kisses and baby I knew it.

My plan did'nt work out like I thought,
I had laid my trap for you,
But it seems, baby, I got caught.

What's this whole world coming to,
Things just ain't the same,
Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.

You're the catch that I was after,
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
And I know I was captured.

What's this whole world coming to,
Things just ain't the same,
Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.

You're the catch that I was after,
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
And I know I was captured.

What's this whole world coming to,
Things just ain't the same,
Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.

Mirror lyrics:

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.
Things just ain't the same,
What's this whole world coming to,

And I know I was captured.
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
You're the catch that I was after,

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.
Things just ain't the same,
What's this whole world coming to,

And I know I was captured.
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
You're the catch that I was after,

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.
Things just ain't the same,
What's this whole world coming to,

But it seems, baby, I got caught.
I had laid my trap for you,
My plan did'nt work out like I thought,

Just one of your kisses and baby I knew it.
But love hit me with a sudden slap,
Hoping you might fall into it,
I had laid such a tender trap,

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game.
Things just ain't the same,
What's this whole world coming to,

And I know I was captured.
I looked up and I was in yout arms,
You're the catch that I was after,

I had to learn all your ways and all your habbits.
I had to get you, and so I knew,
Like a Fox that preys on a Rabbit,
Secretly I've been trailing you,

And the world seems like a new place.
Certain things rearange,
And the world puts on a new face,
Every day brings change,

Relevant Tags:
TThe HHunter GGets CCaptured BBy TThe GGame he unter ets aptured y he ame hTe uHnter eGts aCptured yB hTe aGme fhe junter hets faptured vy fhe hame
fThe jHunter hGets fCaptured vBy fThe hGame Tfhe Hjunter Ghets Cfaptured Bvy Tfhe Ghame 5he uunter yets xaptured gy 5he yame 5The uHunter yGets xCaptured gBy 5The yGame
T5he Huunter Gyets Cxaptured Bgy T5he Gyame hhe nunter bets vaptured ny hhe bame hThe nHunter bGets vCaptured nBy hThe bGame Thhe Hnunter Gbets Cvaptured Bny Thhe Gbame
yhe bunter vets daptured hy yhe vame yThe bHunter vGets dCaptured hBy yThe vGame Tyhe Hbunter Gvets Cdaptured Bhy Tyhe Gvame 6he gunter fets Caaptured Byy 6he fame
6The gHunter fGets Cptured B 6The fGame T6he Hgunter Gfets Cpatured By T6he Gfame ghe yunter tets Czptured Bg ghe tame gThe yHunter tGets Czaptured gThe tGame
Tghe Hyunter Gtets Cazptured Byg Tghe Gtame rhe Geets Cqptured Bh rhe Gaame rThe Hnter Gts Cqaptured rThe Gme Trhe Hnuter Gtes Caqptured Byh Trhe Gmae
Hhnter Gsts Csptured B6 Gzme Te Hhunter Gsets Csaptured B6y Te Gzame Teh Huhnter Gests Casptured By6 Teh Gazme Tje H7nter G3ts Cwptured Bu Tje Gqme
Tjhe H7unter G3ets Cwaptured Buy Tjhe Gqame Thje Hu7nter Ge3ts Cawptured Byu Thje Gaqme Tue Hknter Gfts Cxptured B7 Tue Gsme Tuhe Hkunter B7y Tuhe Gsame
Thue Huknter Gefts Caxptured By7 Thue Gasme Tne Hinter Grts Capptured Bj Tne Gwme Tnhe Hiunter Grets Catured Bjy Tnhe Gwame Thne Huinter Gerts Catpured Byj Thne Gawme
Tbe H8nter G4ts Ca0tured Bt Tbe Gxme Tbhe H8unter G4ets Ca0ptured Bty Tbhe Gxame Thbe Hu8nter Ge4ts Cap0tured Byt Thbe Gaxme Tge Hjnter Gdts Caltured Tge Gamme
Gdets Calptured Gae Thge Hujnter Gedts Capltured Thge Gaem Tye Hynter Gwts Caotured Tye Gaje Gwets Caoptured Gajme
Thye Huynter Gewts Capotured Thye Gamje Thee Hunnter Getts Capttured Thee Gake Th Huter Ges Capured Th Gakme The Hutner Gest Caputred The Gamke
Ths Humter Gefs Capfured Ths Gane Thse Humnter Capftured Thse Ganme Thes Hunmter Getfs Captfured Thes Gamne Th3 Huhter Ge5s Cap5ured Th3 Gamee
Th3e Ge5ts Cap5tured Th3e Gam The3 Hunhter Get5s Capt5ured The3 Game Thf Hujter Gehs Caphured Thf Gams Thfe Gehts Caphtured Thfe Gamse
Thef Hunjter Geths Capthured Thef Games Thr Hubter Geys Capyured Thr Gam3 Thre Hubnter Geyts Capytured Thre Gam3e Ther Hunbter Getys Captyured Ther Game3
Th4 Huntter Ge6s Cap6ured Th4 Gamf Th4e Huner Ge6ts Cap6tured Th4e Gamfe The4 Hunetr Get6s Capt6ured The4 Gamef Thd Hunfer Gegs Capgured Thd Gamr
Thde Hunfter Gegts Capgtured Thde Gamre Thed Huntfer Getgs Captgured Thed Gamer Thw Hun5er Gers Caprured Thw Gam4 Thwe Hun5ter Caprtured Thwe Gam4e
Thew Hunt5er Getrs Captrured Thew Game4 Hunher Getss Captuured Gamd Get Captred Gamde Hunther Gets Captrued Gamed
Hunyer Getz Capthred Gamw Hunyter Getzs Gamwe Huntyer Getsz Captuhred Gamew

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