Glen Campbell
The Greatest Gift Of All

I can feel his love
He has touched my heart
And the spirit dove
Came and will not part
He beseeches me to listen
As He reaches me with wisdom
What He teaches me.

Is the greatest gift of all
From heaven up above
Is the love that He gives to all
Doesn't matter where you've been
He forgives the greatest sin
With His love that He gives to all.

If you make one wish
Just before you sleep
Pray that all your days
Your soul, He keeps
He beseeches you to listen
As He fills your soul with wisdom
What He teaches you.

Is the greatest gift of all
From heaven up above
Is the love that He gives to all
Doesn't matter where you've been
He forgives the greatest sin
With the love that He gives to all.

Peace will come your way
If you only follow
What He came to say
Is of joy, not sorrow
He beseeches you to listen
As He fills your heart with wisdom
What He teaches you.

Is that the greatest gift of all
From the heavens up above
Is the love (is the love)
That He gives (that He gives) to all
Doesn't matter where you've been
He forgives the greatest sin
With the love that He gives to all.

Precious love that He gives to all...

Mirror lyrics:

Precious love that He gives to all...

With the love that He gives to all.
He forgives the greatest sin
Doesn't matter where you've been
That He gives (that He gives) to all
Is the love (is the love)
From the heavens up above
Is that the greatest gift of all

What He teaches you.
As He fills your heart with wisdom
He beseeches you to listen
Is of joy, not sorrow
What He came to say
If you only follow
Peace will come your way

With the love that He gives to all.
He forgives the greatest sin
Doesn't matter where you've been
Is the love that He gives to all
From heaven up above
Is the greatest gift of all

What He teaches you.
As He fills your soul with wisdom
He beseeches you to listen
Your soul, He keeps
Pray that all your days
Just before you sleep
If you make one wish

With His love that He gives to all.
He forgives the greatest sin
Doesn't matter where you've been
Is the love that He gives to all
From heaven up above
Is the greatest gift of all

What He teaches me.
As He reaches me with wisdom
He beseeches me to listen
Came and will not part
And the spirit dove
He has touched my heart
I can feel his love

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TThe GGreatest GGift OOf AAll he reatest ift f ll hTe rGeatest iGft fO lAl fhe hreatest hift kf zll fThe hGreatest hGift kOf zAll Tfhe Ghreatest Ghift Okf Azll
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Tbe G5eatest Gkft Od Alo Tbhe G5reatest Gkift Odf Thbe Gr5eatest Gikft Ofd Allo Tge Gfeatest G8ft Alp G8ift Thge Grfeatest Gi8ft Allp
Tye Geeatest Guft Gereatest Guift Thye Greeatest Giuft Thee Gifft Th Gratest Git The Graetest Gitf
Ths Grsatest Gict Thse Grseatest Gicft Thes Gresatest Gifct Th3 Gr3atest Girt Th3e Gr3eatest Girft The3 Gre3atest Gifrt
Thf Grfatest Gigt Thfe Gigft Thef Grefatest Gifgt Thr Grratest Gitt Thre Gitft Ther Greratest Giftt
Th4 Gr4atest Givt Th4e Givft The4 Gre4atest Gifvt Thd Grdatest Gidt Thde Gidft Thed Gredatest Gifdt
Thw Grwatest Thwe Grweatest Gif Thew Grewatest Gift Greaatest Giff Gretest Gretaest Giftf
Greztest Gif5 Grezatest Gif5t Greaztest Gift5 Greqtest Gifh Greqatest Gifht Greaqtest Gifth
Grestest Gify Gifyt Greastest Gifty Grewtest Gif6 Gif6t

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