Glen Campbell
Someone To Give My Love To

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Well, I could search from now to the end of time
Never find another you
I'm so glad because I know you're mine
Someone to give my love to.

Well, I believe my love that you're one of the kind
For there's no one else like you
You're the light of my life so let it shine
Someone to give my love to.

Well, I find happiness is lovin' you
And I'll do my best to make your dreams come true
Now I will follow you to the end of the earth
For my place will be with you.

Well, I have taken you for better or worse
Someone to give my love to
Well, I find happiness is lovin' you
And I'll do my best to make your dreams come true.

Days of man-and-wife-time are precious few
I will spend them all with you
Then beyond forever I'll wait for you
Someone to give my love to,
Mhmm, mhmm, mhmm, mhmm.

Well, you're the light of my life so let it shine
Shine on me my whole life through
Well, you're the light of my life so let it shine
I need someone like you...

Mirror lyrics:

I need someone like you...
Well, you're the light of my life so let it shine
Shine on me my whole life through
Well, you're the light of my life so let it shine

Mhmm, mhmm, mhmm, mhmm.
Someone to give my love to,
Then beyond forever I'll wait for you
I will spend them all with you
Days of man-and-wife-time are precious few

And I'll do my best to make your dreams come true.
Well, I find happiness is lovin' you
Someone to give my love to
Well, I have taken you for better or worse

For my place will be with you.
Now I will follow you to the end of the earth
And I'll do my best to make your dreams come true
Well, I find happiness is lovin' you

Someone to give my love to.
You're the light of my life so let it shine
For there's no one else like you
Well, I believe my love that you're one of the kind

Someone to give my love to.
I'm so glad because I know you're mine
Never find another you
Well, I could search from now to the end of time

(Jerry Foster - Bill Rice)

Relevant Tags:
SSomeone TTo GGive MMy LLove TTo omeone o ive y ove o oSmeone oT iGve yM oLve oT zomeone fo hive jy kove fo zSomeone fTo hGive jMy kLove fTo
Szomeone Tfo Ghive Mjy Lkove Tfo womeone 5o yive ky oove 5o wSomeone 5To yGive kMy oLove 5To Swomeone T5o Gyive Mky Loove T5o domeone ho bive ny pove ho
dSomeone hTo bGive nMy pLove hTo Sdomeone Tho Gbive Mny Lpove Tho eomeone yo vive Myy yo eSomeone yTo vGive M Lve yTo Seomeone Tyo Gvive My Lvoe Tyo
xomeone 6o five Mg Lkve 6o xSomeone 6To fGive Mgy 6To Sxomeone T6o Gfive Myg Lokve T6o aomeone go tive Mh L9ve go aSomeone gTo tGive Mhy L9ove gTo
Saomeone Tgo Gtive Myh Lo9ve Tgo Soomeone ro Giive M6 L0ve ro Smeone rTo Gve M6y L0ove rTo Smoeone Tro Gvie My6 Lo0ve Tro Skmeone Too Gjve Mu Llve Too
Skomeone T Gjive Muy Llove T Sokmeone To Gijve Myu Lolve To S9meone Tk G9ve M7 Live Tk S9omeone Tko G9ive M7y Liove Tko So9meone Tok Gi9ve My7 Loive Tok
S0meone T9 Glve Mj Lovve T9 S0omeone T9o Glive Loe T9o So0meone To9 Gilve Myj Loev To9 Slmeone T0 Gove Mt Lobe T0 Slomeone T0o Goive Mty Lobve T0o
Solmeone To0 Giove Myt Lovbe To0 Simeone Tl Gkve Loce Tl Siomeone Tlo Gkive Locve Tlo Soimeone Tol Gikve Lovce Tol Sommeone Ti G8ve Loge Ti
Soeone Tio G8ive Logve Tio Soemone Toi Gi8ve Lovge Toi Sojeone Guve Lofe Sojmeone Guive Lofve Somjeone Giuve Lovfe
Sokeone Givve Lovee Gie Lov Somkeone Giev Love Soneone Gibe Lovs Sonmeone Gibve Lovse
Somneone Givbe Loves Someeone Gice Lov3 Somone Gicve Lov3e Somoene Givce Love3 Somsone Gige Lovf
Somseone Gigve Somesone Givge Lovef Som3one Gife Lovr Som3eone Gifve Lovre Some3one Givfe Lover
Somfone Givee Lov4 Somfeone Giv Lov4e Somefone Give Love4 Somrone Givs Lovd Somreone Givse Lovde
Somerone Gives Loved

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