Glen Campbell
Last Thing On My Mind

(Tom Paxton)

A lesson too late for the learning
Made of sand, made of sand
In the wink of an eye my soul is turning
In your hand, in your hand.

Are you going away with no word of farewell
Will there be not a trace left behind
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
You know that was the last thing on my mind.

You've got reasons of plenty for doing this
I know Lord, this I know
For the weeds have been steadily growing
Please don't go, please don't go.

As I lie in my bed in the morning
Without you, without you
Each song in my breast dies a borning
Without you, Lord, without you.

Are you going away with no word of farewell
Will there be not a trace left behind
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
You know that was the last thing on my mind...

Mirror lyrics:

You know that was the last thing on my mind...
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
Will there be not a trace left behind
Are you going away with no word of farewell

Without you, Lord, without you.
Each song in my breast dies a borning
Without you, without you
As I lie in my bed in the morning

Please don't go, please don't go.
For the weeds have been steadily growing
I know Lord, this I know
You've got reasons of plenty for doing this

You know that was the last thing on my mind.
I could have loved you better, didn't mean to be unkind
Will there be not a trace left behind
Are you going away with no word of farewell

In your hand, in your hand.
In the wink of an eye my soul is turning
Made of sand, made of sand
A lesson too late for the learning

(Tom Paxton)

Relevant Tags:
LLast TThing OOn MMy MMind ast hing n y ind aLst hTing nO yM iMnd kast fhing kn jy jind kLast fThing kOn jMy jMind Lkast Tfhing Okn Mjy Mjind
oast 5hing 9n ky kind oLast 5Thing 9On kMy kMind Loast T5hing O9n Mky Mkind past hhing 0n ny nind pLast hThing 0On nMy nMind Lpast Thhing O0n Mny Mnind
Laast yhing ln Myy Miind Lst yThing lOn M Mnd Lsat Tyhing Oln My Mnid Lzst 6hing in Mg Mjnd Lzast 6Thing iOn Mgy Lazst T6hing Oin Myg Mijnd
Lqst ghing Onn Mh M9nd Lqast gThing O Mhy M9ind Laqst Tghing On Myh Mi9nd Lsst rhing Om M6 Mlnd Lsast rThing Omn M6y Mlind Lasst Trhing Onm My6 Milnd
Lwst Oh Mu Mond Lwast Ting Ohn Muy Moind Lawst Tihng Onh Myu Miond Lxst Tjing Oj M7 Mknd Lxast Tjhing Ojn M7y Laxst Thjing Onj My7 Miknd
Tuing Ob Mj M8nd Lat Tuhing Obn M8ind Lats Thuing Onb Myj Mi8nd Lazt Tning Mt Mund Tnhing Mty Muind Laszt Thning Myt Miund
Lawt Tbing Minnd Tbhing Mid Laswt Thbing Midn Ladt Tging Mimd Ladst Mimnd Lasdt Thging Minmd
Laet Tying Mihd Laest Mihnd Laset Thying Minhd Laxt Thiing Mijd Thng Lasxt Thnig Minjd
Laat Thjng Mibd

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