Glen Campbell
I'll Hold You In My Heart

(Vic McAlpin - Eddy Arnold - Howard Horton)

I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms
Like you'd never been held before
I'll think of you each day and then I'll dream the night away
Till you're in my arms once more.

The stars up in the sky they know the reason why
I feel so blue when I'm away from you
I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms
So darling, please wait for me.

The stars up in the sky, yes, they know they know the reason why
I feel so blue when I'm away, yes, when I'm away from you
(I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms)
Oh, so darling, please wait for me (please wait for me...)

Mirror lyrics:

Oh, so darling, please wait for me (please wait for me...)
(I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms)
I feel so blue when I'm away, yes, when I'm away from you
The stars up in the sky, yes, they know they know the reason why

So darling, please wait for me.
I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms
I feel so blue when I'm away from you
The stars up in the sky they know the reason why

Till you're in my arms once more.
I'll think of you each day and then I'll dream the night away
Like you'd never been held before
I'll hold you in my heart till I can hold you in my arms

(Vic McAlpin - Eddy Arnold - Howard Horton)

Relevant Tags:
II'll HHold YYou IIn MMy HHeart 'll old ou n y eart 'Ill oHld oYu nI yM eHart j'll jold gou jn jy jeart jI'll jHold gYou jIn jMy jHeart
Ij'll Hjold Ygou Ijn Mjy Hjeart 9'll uold hou 9n ky ueart 9I'll uHold hYou 9In kMy uHeart I9'll Huold Yhou I9n Mky Hueart l'll nold 6ou ln ny neart
lI'll nHold 6You lIn nMy nHeart Il'll Hnold Y6ou Iln Mny Hneart o'll bold uou on Myy beart oI'll bHold uYou oIn M bHeart Io'll Hbold Yuou Ion My Hbeart
k'll gold 7ou kn Mg geart kI'll gHold 7You kIn Mgy gHeart Ik'll Hgold Y7ou Ikn Myg Hgeart 8'll yold jou 8n Mh yeart 8I'll yHold jYou 8In Mhy yHeart
I8'll Hyold Yjou I8n Myh Hyeart u'll Hoold tou un M6 Heeart uI'll Hld tYou uIn M6y Hart Iu'll Hlod Ytou Iun My6 Haert I''ll Hkld Yoou Inn Mu Hsart
Ill Hkold Yu I Muy Hseart Il'l Hokld Yuo In Myu Hesart I'lll H9ld Yku Im M7 H3art I'l H9old Ykou Imn M7y H3eart I'll Ho9ld Yoku Inm My7 He3art
I'kl H0ld Y9u Ih Mj Hfart I'kll H0old Y9ou Ihn Hfeart I'lkl Ho0ld Yo9u Inh Myj Hefart I'ol Hlld Y0u Ij Mt Hrart I'oll Hlold Y0ou Mty Hreart
I'lol Holld Yo0u Inj Myt Herart I'pl Hild Ylu Ib H4art I'pll Hiold Ylou Ibn H4eart I'lpl Hoild Yolu Inb He4art Yiu Hdart
Hod Yiou Hdeart Hodl Yoiu Hedart I'lk Hokd Youu Hwart Yo Hweart I'llk Holkd You Hewart
I'lo Hood Yoh Heaart Yohu Hert I'llo Holod Youh Herat I'lp Hopd Yo7 Hezrt Hopld Yo7u Hezart
I'llp Holpd You7 Heazrt Holdd Yok Heqrt

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