Gloria Estefan
Te Amară©

It's late and you're driving beside me
The road seems to vanish ahead
Everything's melting around us
Our future lies sleeping in back
Some pass too quickly
Stay behind
I'm where i wanted all along
To belong to you

Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
That one thing won't change

The sky changes moods through my window
The moon disappears then returns
A storm tries to threaten out journey
Finally losing its nerve
Everything's shifted
The highway
One thing is certain
I belong
To you

Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
That one thing won't change

Mirror lyrics:

That one thing won't change
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré

To you
I belong
One thing is certain
The highway
Everything's shifted
Finally losing its nerve
A storm tries to threaten out journey
The moon disappears then returns
The sky changes moods through my window

That one thing won't change
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré
Te amaré, te amaré, te amaré

To belong to you
I'm where i wanted all along
Stay behind
Some pass too quickly
Our future lies sleeping in back
Everything's melting around us
The road seems to vanish ahead
It's late and you're driving beside me

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rTe Ajmară© Tre Amjară© Tee Akară© T Akmară© Te Amkară© Ts Anară© Tse Anmară© Tes Amnară© T3 Amaară© T3e Amră© Te3 Amraă©
Tf Amzră© Amzară© Tef Amazră© Tr Amqră© Amqară© Ter Amaqră©

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