Gloria Estefan
One Name

A man opens his eyes under the bridge where he's been sleeping
To keep himself from weeping
He gets up and goes on his way
A woman late for work crosses his path and barely misses
She curses his existence
Leans on the horn and goes on her way

Living worlds apart
What could they ever have in common
Started life with so much promise
Different choices on the way
Feeling desolate and distant
Losing hope with every instant
If there's happiness they've missed it
In this endless game

We are of one name, one name
We are of one name
We want the same things
We need the same things
We are of one name, one name
We are of one name
We want the same things
Same things

A father near the end
Wishes he'd been there for his children
He prays that they'll forgive him
But the words are still hard to say
His daughter feel regret
For choosing work over a family
She wanted one so badly
For very choice there's a price to pay

Grown so far apart
They should have everything in common
Started out with so much promise
Different choices on the way
She just needed his attention
He had no time for affection
Now they're struggling for redemption
Knowing they're to blame

We are of one name
We are of one name
We are of one name
We want the same things
Same things

Mirror lyrics:

Same things
We want the same things
We are of one name
We are of one name
We are of one name

Knowing they're to blame
Now they're struggling for redemption
He had no time for affection
She just needed his attention
Different choices on the way
Started out with so much promise
They should have everything in common
Grown so far apart

For very choice there's a price to pay
She wanted one so badly
For choosing work over a family
His daughter feel regret
But the words are still hard to say
He prays that they'll forgive him
Wishes he'd been there for his children
A father near the end

Same things
We want the same things
We are of one name
We are of one name, one name
We need the same things
We want the same things
We are of one name
We are of one name, one name

In this endless game
If there's happiness they've missed it
Losing hope with every instant
Feeling desolate and distant
Different choices on the way
Started life with so much promise
What could they ever have in common
Living worlds apart

Leans on the horn and goes on her way
She curses his existence
A woman late for work crosses his path and barely misses
He gets up and goes on his way
To keep himself from weeping
A man opens his eyes under the bridge where he's been sleeping

Relevant Tags:
OOne NName ne ame nOe aNme kne mame kOne mName Okne Nmame 9ne hame 9One hName O9ne Nhame 0ne jame 0One jName
O0ne Njame lne bame lOne bName Olne Nbame ine Naame iOne Nme Oine Nmae Onne Nzme Oe Nzame Oen Nazme Ome Nqme
Omne Nqame Onme Naqme Ohe Nsme Ohne Nsame Onhe Nasme Oje Nwme Ojne Nwame Onje Nawme Obe Nxme Obne Nxame Onbe Naxme
Onee Namme On Nae

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