Gloria Estefan
I'm Not Giving You Up

To be completely honest
It scares me to imagine
What life would be without you

And for this very reason
I ask you to forgive me
For what I'm putting us through

Although there are so many things
Against us, I've decided
That I'm not giving you up, no...

Thinking back, I see what we have
Is something different
I think we've known all along
So how fair would it be
To divide this love's existence
Between what's right and what's wrong

And you, always wondering if we'll make it
Time will tell you
That I'm not giving you up, no, no...

We'll find a way to be together
However long it takes, wherever
If it means having you for only a moment
A moment just might be enough
I'm not giving you up, no
No I'm not giving you up, no

Screaming in the silence the promises we've spoken
Come back to haunt me, false and broken
Quiet desperation to see we're lost forever
Searching for water in the desert

No, I refuse to have to do
Without your kisses
I'm not giving you up, no, no

We'll find a way to be together
However long it takes, wherever
If it means having you for only a moment
A moment just might be enough
I'm not giving you up, no

No I'm not giving you up, no
No I'm not giving you up

Mirror lyrics:

No I'm not giving you up
No I'm not giving you up, no

I'm not giving you up, no
A moment just might be enough
If it means having you for only a moment
However long it takes, wherever
We'll find a way to be together

I'm not giving you up, no, no
Without your kisses
No, I refuse to have to do

Searching for water in the desert
Quiet desperation to see we're lost forever
Come back to haunt me, false and broken
Screaming in the silence the promises we've spoken

No I'm not giving you up, no
I'm not giving you up, no
A moment just might be enough
If it means having you for only a moment
However long it takes, wherever
We'll find a way to be together

That I'm not giving you up, no, no...
Time will tell you
And you, always wondering if we'll make it

Between what's right and what's wrong
To divide this love's existence
So how fair would it be
I think we've known all along
Is something different
Thinking back, I see what we have

That I'm not giving you up, no...
Against us, I've decided
Although there are so many things

For what I'm putting us through
I ask you to forgive me
And for this very reason

What life would be without you
It scares me to imagine
To be completely honest

Relevant Tags:
II'm NNot GGiving YYou UUp 'm ot iving ou p 'Im oNt iGving oYu pU j'm mot hiving gou hp jI'm mNot hGiving gYou hUp Ij'm Nmot Ghiving Ygou Uhp
9'm hot yiving hou 7p 9I'm hNot yGiving hYou 7Up I9'm Nhot Gyiving Yhou U7p l'm jot biving 6ou kp lI'm jNot bGiving 6You kUp Il'm Njot Gbiving Y6ou Ukp
o'm bot viving uou ip oI'm bNot vGiving uYou iUp Io'm Nbot Gviving Yuou Uip k'm Noot fiving 7ou 8p kI'm Nt fGiving 7You 8Up Ik'm Nto Gfiving Y7ou U8p
8'm Nkt tiving jou jp 8I'm Nkot tGiving jYou jUp I8'm Nokt Gtiving Yjou Ujp u'm N9t Giiving tou yp uI'm N9ot Gving tYou yUp Iu'm No9t Gviing Ytou Uyp
I''m N0t Gjving Yoou Upp Im N0ot Gjiving Yu U Im' No0t Gijving Yuo Up I'mm Nlt G9ving Yku U0 I' Nlot G9iving Ykou U0p I'm Nolt Gi9ving Yoku Up0
I'j Nit Glving Y9u Ul I'jm Niot Gliving Y9ou Ulp I'mj Noit Gilving Yo9u Upl I'k Nott Goving Y0u Uo I'km No Goiving Y0ou Uop I'mk Not Gioving Yo0u Upo
I'n Nof Gkving Ylu I'nm Noft Gkiving Ylou I'mn Notf Gikving Yolu No5 G8ving Yiu No5t G8iving Yiou Not5 Gi8ving Yoiu
Noh Guving Youu Noht Guiving Yo Noth Giuving You Noy Givving Yoh Noyt Giing Yohu Noty Giivng Youh
No6 Gibing Yo7 No6t Gibving Yo7u Not6 Givbing You7 Nog Gicing Yok Nogt Gicving Notg Givcing Youk
Nor Giging Yoi Nort Gigving Notr Givging Youi Gifing Yo8 Gifving Yo8u

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