George Jones
Take The Devil Outta Me

Oh Jesus, please
Please take the devil outta me.

I've traveled far down this lonesome road
The devil he's got me bent down so low
I've just found out where I want to be
Oh Jesus, please
Please take the devil outta me.

I'm getting tired of living in sin
I'm tired of keeping the devil for my friend
I want so badly to be set free
Oh Jesus, please
Please take the devil outta me.

--- Instrumental ---

Now, I'm so happy, I'm free from sin
Because I left my dear Savior in
My jesus told me that I was free
Oh Jesus, thank you
You took the devil outta me.

--- Instrumental ---

I'm getting tired of living in sin
I'm tired of keeping the devil for my friend
I want so badly to be set free
Oh Jesus, please
Please take the devil outta me.

Mirror lyrics:

Please take the devil outta me.
Oh Jesus, please
I want so badly to be set free
I'm tired of keeping the devil for my friend
I'm getting tired of living in sin

--- Instrumental ---

You took the devil outta me.
Oh Jesus, thank you
My jesus told me that I was free
Because I left my dear Savior in
Now, I'm so happy, I'm free from sin

--- Instrumental ---

Please take the devil outta me.
Oh Jesus, please
I want so badly to be set free
I'm tired of keeping the devil for my friend
I'm getting tired of living in sin

Please take the devil outta me.
Oh Jesus, please
I've just found out where I want to be
The devil he's got me bent down so low
I've traveled far down this lonesome road

Please take the devil outta me.
Oh Jesus, please

Relevant Tags:
TTake TThe DDevil OOutta MMe ake he evil utta e aTke hTe eDvil uOtta eM fake fhe xevil kutta je fTake fThe xDevil kOutta jMe Tfake Tfhe Dxevil Okutta Mje
5ake 5he eevil 9utta ke 5Take 5The eDevil 9Outta kMe T5ake T5he Deevil O9utta Mke hake hhe fevil 0utta ne hTake hThe fDevil 0Outta nMe Thake Thhe Dfevil O0utta Mne
yake yhe revil lutta Mee yTake yThe rDevil lOutta M Tyake Tyhe Drevil Olutta Me 6ake 6he cevil iutta Ms 6Take 6The cDevil iOutta Mse T6ake T6he Dcevil Oiutta Mes
gake ghe sevil Ouutta M3 gTake gThe sDevil Otta M3e Tgake Tghe Dsevil Otuta Me3 rake rhe Ohtta Mf rTake rThe Dvil Ohutta Mfe Trake Trhe Dveil Ouhtta Mef
Taake Dsvil O7tta Mr Tke Te O7utta Mre Tkae Teh Desvil Ou7tta Mer Tzke Tje D3vil Oktta M4 Tzake Tjhe D3evil M4e Tazke Thje De3vil Ouktta Me4
Tqke Tue Dfvil Oitta Md Tqake Tuhe Mde Taqke Thue Defvil Ouitta Med Tske Tne Drvil O8tta Mw Tsake Tnhe O8utta Mwe Taske Thne Dervil Ou8tta Mew
Twke Tbe D4vil Ojtta Twake Tbhe D4evil Ojutta Tawke Thbe De4vil Oujtta Txke Tge Ddvil Oytta Txake Ddevil Oyutta Taxke Thge Dedvil Ouytta
Takke Tye Dwvil Outtta Tae Dwevil Outa Taek Thye Dewvil Outta Tale Thee Devvil Oufta Talke Th Deil Ouftta

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