George Jones
She's My Rock (live)

Well, You tell me how she was when you once knew her
How She played her games with many, many men
And you tell me that you don't think I'd be with her
If I could have known her back then
Lord, You ask me why I don't pack up and leave her
Now that I know about her wicked ways
Well, I doubt that you could understand my thinking
Oh, But listen close to what I have to say

She's the rock that I lean on
She's the sunshine of my day
And, I don't care what you say about her
Now, She took me in and made me everything I am today
She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away!

I know she wasn't always what she is now
Lord, She had to make mistakes like everybody else
And don't you point you finger at nobody
It's plain to see you ain't no saint yourself

She's the rock that I lean on
She's the sunshine of my day
And, I don't care what you say about her
Now, She took me in and made me everything I am today
She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away

Yes, She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away

Yes, She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away...

Mirror lyrics:

Yes, She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away...

Yes, She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away

She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away
Now, She took me in and made me everything I am today
And, I don't care what you say about her
She's the sunshine of my day
She's the rock that I lean on

It's plain to see you ain't no saint yourself
And don't you point you finger at nobody
Lord, She had to make mistakes like everybody else
I know she wasn't always what she is now

She's my rock and I ain't gonna throw her away!
Now, She took me in and made me everything I am today
And, I don't care what you say about her
She's the sunshine of my day
She's the rock that I lean on

Oh, But listen close to what I have to say
Well, I doubt that you could understand my thinking
Now that I know about her wicked ways
Lord, You ask me why I don't pack up and leave her
If I could have known her back then
And you tell me that you don't think I'd be with her
How She played her games with many, many men
Well, You tell me how she was when you once knew her

Relevant Tags:
SShe's MMy RRock ((live) he's y ock live) hSe's yM oRck l(ive) zhe's jy dock (llive) zShe's jMy dRock (ive) Szhe's Mjy Rdock (ilve)
whe's ky 4ock (kive) wShe's kMy 4Rock (klive) Swhe's Mky R4ock (lkive) dhe's ny gock (oive) dShe's nMy gRock (olive) Sdhe's Mny Rgock (loive)
ehe's Myy tock (pive) eShe's M tRock (plive) Sehe's My Rtock (lpive) xhe's Mg 5ock (liive) xShe's Mgy 5Rock (lve) Sxhe's Myg R5ock (lvie)
ahe's Mh fock (ljve) aShe's Mhy fRock (ljive) Sahe's Myh Rfock (lijve) Shhe's M6 eock (l9ve) Se's M6y eRock (l9ive) Seh's My6 Reock (li9ve)
Sje's Mu Roock (llve) Sjhe's Muy Rck Shje's Myu Rcok (lilve) Sue's M7 Rkck (love) Suhe's M7y Rkock Shue's My7 Rokck (liove)
Sne's Mj R9ck (lkve) Snhe's R9ock Shne's Myj Ro9ck (likve) Sbe's Mt R0ck (l8ve) Sbhe's Mty R0ock (l8ive) Shbe's Myt Ro0ck (li8ve)
Sge's Rlck (luve) Sghe's Rlock (luive) Shge's Rolck (liuve) Sye's Rick (livve) Syhe's Riock (lie) Shye's Roick (liev)
Shee's Rocck (libe) Sh's Rok (libve) Sh'es Rokc (livbe)

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