George Jones
Your Lying Blue Eyes

(Ken McDuffie)

Your lying blue eyes used to charm me
Hypnotize me through and through
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Your lying blue eyes just told on you.

Your lying blue eyes used to charm me
Hypnotize me through and through
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Your lying blue eyes just told on you.

All those stories I've been hearing
I wouldn't believe that they were true
But just this morning over coffee
Your lying blue eyes just told on you.

For a long time I have loved you
And I've thought you loved me too
Now all questions have been answered
Your lying blue eyes just told on you.

Your lying blue eyes used to charm me
Hypnotize me through and through
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Your lying blue eyes just told on you.

Your lying blue eyes just told on you...

Mirror lyrics:

Your lying blue eyes just told on you...

Your lying blue eyes just told on you.
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Hypnotize me through and through
Your lying blue eyes used to charm me

Your lying blue eyes just told on you.
Now all questions have been answered
And I've thought you loved me too
For a long time I have loved you

Your lying blue eyes just told on you.
But just this morning over coffee
I wouldn't believe that they were true
All those stories I've been hearing

Your lying blue eyes just told on you.
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Hypnotize me through and through
Your lying blue eyes used to charm me

Your lying blue eyes just told on you.
Like a fool, Lord, I've been dreaming
Hypnotize me through and through
Your lying blue eyes used to charm me

(Ken McDuffie)

Relevant Tags:
YYour LLying BBlue EEyes our ying lue yes oYur yLing lBue yEes gour kying vlue syes gYour kLying vBlue sEyes Ygour Lkying Bvlue Esyes
hour oying glue 3yes hYour oLying gBlue 3Eyes Yhour Loying Bglue E3yes 6our pying nlue fyes 6Your pLying nBlue fEyes Y6our Lpying Bnlue Efyes
uour Lyying hlue ryes uYour Ling hBlue rEyes Yuour Liyng Bhlue Eryes 7our Lging Bllue 4yes 7Your Lgying Bue 4Eyes Y7our Lyging Bule E4yes
jour Lhing Bkue dyes jYour Lhying Bklue dEyes Yjour Lyhing Blkue Edyes tour L6ing Boue wyes tYour L6ying Bolue wEyes Ytour Ly6ing Bloue Ewyes
Yoour Luing Bpue Eyyes Yur Luying Bplue Ees Yuor Lyuing Blpue Eeys Ykur L7ing Bluue Eges Ykour L7ying Ble Egyes Yokur Ly7ing Bleu Eyges
Y9ur Ljing Blhe Ehes Y9our Ljying Blhue Ehyes Yo9ur Lyjing Bluhe Eyhes Y0ur Lting Bl7e E6es Y0our Ltying Bl7ue E6yes Yo0ur Lyting Blu7e Ey6es
Ylur Lyiing Blke Eues Ylour Lyng Euyes Yolur Lynig Bluke Eyues Yiur Lyjng Blie E7es Yiour Bliue E7yes Yoiur Lyijng Bluie Ey7es
Youur Ly9ng Bl8e Ejes Yor Ly9ing Bl8ue Ejyes Yoru Lyi9ng Blu8e Eyjes Yohr Lylng Blje Etes

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