Go Fish
My Life Belongs To Jesus

I know exactly what I want
Just afraid that I might get it
They say, "be careful what you wish for"
So pay attention to what you're doing
Don't forget it

Don't forget
I like to dream big
That's the way I am
I just don't wanna dream
My way out of Your plan

Sometimes I just wish
You'd write me a letter
And tell me what to do

I guess that
It wouldn't make it any better
I gotta have my freedom
If I wanna give it up to You

Look at me softly
What do You see?
Hopefully someone
Trying to be
A little more like You
And less like me
I made my choice today to live
My life belongs to Jesus

There's a basket
Where all of my eggs lay
It's in Your name
That's where there'll stay

Gotta go in head first
Going all the way
Lukewarm is a word
I hope I never hear You say

Fly me over the ocean
Or send me to my room
I just don't care

God help me
Set me in motion
I'm giving it You
Everything I am

Look at me softly
What do You see?
Hopefully someone
Trying to be
A little more like You
And less like me
I made my choice today to live
My life belongs to Jesus

You are
The reason that I'm living
You are
My hope for tomorrow
You are
The reason I'm forgive
You are
My life
Give it all up to You

Look at me softly
What do You see?
Hopefully someone
Trying to be
A little more like You
And less like me
I made my choice today to live
My life belongs to Jesus

I made my choice

My life belongs to Jesus

Mirror lyrics:

My life belongs to Jesus

I made my choice

My life belongs to Jesus
I made my choice today to live
And less like me
A little more like You
Trying to be
Hopefully someone
What do You see?
Look at me softly

Give it all up to You
My life
You are
The reason I'm forgive
You are
My hope for tomorrow
You are
The reason that I'm living
You are

My life belongs to Jesus
I made my choice today to live
And less like me
A little more like You
Trying to be
Hopefully someone
What do You see?
Look at me softly

Everything I am
I'm giving it You
Set me in motion
God help me

I just don't care
Or send me to my room
Fly me over the ocean

I hope I never hear You say
Lukewarm is a word
Going all the way
Gotta go in head first

That's where there'll stay
It's in Your name
Where all of my eggs lay
There's a basket

My life belongs to Jesus
I made my choice today to live
And less like me
A little more like You
Trying to be
Hopefully someone
What do You see?
Look at me softly

If I wanna give it up to You
I gotta have my freedom
It wouldn't make it any better
I guess that

And tell me what to do
You'd write me a letter
Sometimes I just wish

My way out of Your plan
I just don't wanna dream
That's the way I am
I like to dream big
Don't forget

Don't forget it
So pay attention to what you're doing
They say, "be careful what you wish for"
Just afraid that I might get it
I know exactly what I want

Relevant Tags:
MMy LLife BBelongs TTo JJesus y ife elongs o esus yM iLfe eBlongs oT eJsus jy kife velongs fo kesus jMy kLife vBelongs fTo kJesus Mjy Lkife Bvelongs Tfo Jkesus
ky oife gelongs 5o iesus kMy oLife gBelongs 5To iJesus Mky Loife Bgelongs T5o Jiesus ny pife nelongs ho mesus nMy pLife nBelongs hTo mJesus Mny Lpife Bnelongs Tho Jmesus
Myy Liife helongs yo nesus M Lfe hBelongs yTo nJesus My Lfie Bhelongs Tyo Jnesus Mg Ljfe Beelongs 6o hesus Mgy Ljife Blongs 6To hJesus Myg Lijfe Bleongs T6o Jhesus
Mh L9fe Bslongs go uesus Mhy L9ife Bselongs gTo uJesus Myh Li9fe Beslongs Tgo Juesus M6 Llfe B3longs ro Jeesus M6y Llife B3elongs rTo Jsus My6 Lilfe Be3longs Tro Jseus
Mu Lofe Bflongs Too Jssus Muy Bfelongs T Jsesus Myu Liofe Beflongs To Jessus M7 Lkfe Brlongs Tk J3sus M7y Brelongs Tko J3esus My7 Likfe Berlongs Tok Je3sus
Mj L8fe B4longs T9 Jfsus L8ife B4elongs T9o Jfesus Myj Li8fe Be4longs To9 Jefsus Mt Lufe Bdlongs T0 Jrsus Mty Luife Bdelongs T0o Jresus Myt Liufe Bedlongs To0 Jersus
Liffe Bwlongs Tl J4sus Lie Bwelongs Tlo J4esus Lief Bewlongs Tol Je4sus Lice Bellongs Ti Jdsus Licfe Beongs Tio Jdesus Lifce Beolngs Toi Jedsus
Lire Bekongs Jwsus Lirfe Beklongs Jwesus Lifre Belkongs Jewsus Lige Beoongs Ligfe Beolongs Jeus Lifge Beloongs Jeuss
Lite Bepongs Jezus Litfe Beplongs Jezsus Lifte Belpongs Jeszus Live Jewus Livfe Belngs Lifve Belnogs Jeswus
Lide Belkngs Jedus Lidfe Lifde Belokngs Jesdus Lifee Bel9ngs Jeeus Lif Bel9ongs Life Belo9ngs Jeseus
Lifs Bel0ngs Jexus

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