Go Fish
Cry In The Rain

This one's for the hurting
This one's for the lost
For those of you who wonder
You think you've been forgot
For those of you who struggle
With a pain that's all your own
You're asking all the questions
With answers you don't know

There's something bigger out there
You can't put your finger on what it might be
So hard to trust what you can't see

Have you ever cried in the rain
Let your tears hit the ground
And asked the one who could
If he would turn your life aorund
He can help you start again
Help you deal with your pain
Even when all you wanna do.... is cry in the rain

Fitting in is never easy
Its a fact you can't ignore
It gets so hard to play the game
When someone else is keeping score
In your mind you paint a picture of who you want to be
When you look into the mirror
You cry at what you see

There's something bigger out there
You can't put your finger on what it might be
You need someone to set you free


All you have to do is knock at the door of Him
Who walked in your shoes
Alone up to that hill
To face what you could not
Everytime he hears your voice calling out to Him
In the darkest times of your life
He will be there, cuz he knows what it's like


Mirror lyrics:


He will be there, cuz he knows what it's like
In the darkest times of your life
Everytime he hears your voice calling out to Him
To face what you could not
Alone up to that hill
Who walked in your shoes
All you have to do is knock at the door of Him


You need someone to set you free
You can't put your finger on what it might be
There's something bigger out there

You cry at what you see
When you look into the mirror
In your mind you paint a picture of who you want to be
When someone else is keeping score
It gets so hard to play the game
Its a fact you can't ignore
Fitting in is never easy

Even when all you wanna do.... is cry in the rain
Help you deal with your pain
He can help you start again
If he would turn your life aorund
And asked the one who could
Let your tears hit the ground
Have you ever cried in the rain

So hard to trust what you can't see
You can't put your finger on what it might be
There's something bigger out there

With answers you don't know
You're asking all the questions
With a pain that's all your own
For those of you who struggle
You think you've been forgot
For those of you who wonder
This one's for the lost
This one's for the hurting

Relevant Tags:
CCry IIn TThe RRain ry n he ain rCy nI hTe aRin fry jn fhe dain fCry jIn fThe dRain Cfry Ijn Tfhe Rdain xry 9n 5he 4ain
xCry 9In 5The 4Rain Cxry I9n T5he R4ain vry ln hhe gain vCry lIn hThe gRain Cvry Iln Thhe Rgain dry on yhe tain dCry oIn yThe tRain
Cdry Ion Tyhe Rtain Crry kn 6he 5ain Cy kIn 6The 5Rain Cyr Ikn T6he R5ain Cdy 8n ghe fain 8In gThe fRain Crdy I8n Tghe Rfain
C4y un rhe eain C4ry uIn rThe eRain Cr4y Iun Trhe Reain Cgy Inn Raain Cgry I Te Rin Crgy In Teh Rian Cty Im Tje Rzin
Ctry Imn Tjhe Rzain Crty Inm Thje Razin C5y Ih Tue Rqin C5ry Ihn Tuhe Rqain Cr5y Inh Thue Raqin Cfy Ij Tne Rsin Tnhe Rsain
Crfy Inj Thne Rasin Cey Ib Tbe Rwin Cery Ibn Tbhe Rwain Crey Inb Thbe Rawin Cryy Tge Rxin

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