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It's Not A Trap, I Promise

I sang don't let me die for far too long
And I spent too many of my lines on some sad, sad songs, but I
I just came to say I moved on
Cause she keeps the sun for all of florida in her jacket
And then she laughs 'cause I don't think she knows she has it
And its days like today, life gets great

And I hope, you're living it

Cause I've been waiting forever and a day
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
A touch is enough, is it my fault if you get caught

And I tried to leave a silver kiss in her pocket
So when she got back to Carolina she could find it
But words she left on my lips were bittersweet
She never knew or half believed she was important
And never heard me when I told she was gorgeous
But its the first day that the sun shines for me

And I hope, that it shines for you
And I hope, that it shines for you

Cause I've been waiting forever and a day
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
A touch is enough, is it my fault if you just get
Caught still waiting and hoping something changes
Don't blink or you'll probably miss it
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just

Did you run, Did you crawl
Did I almost cause you to help you here
Did I stay, Such a far
Did you fall, Did I catch you
Did you hurt, Like I meant to you

Nah nah, nah nah- forever and a day
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
A touch is enough, is it my fault if you just get
Caught still waiting and hoping something changes
Don't blink or you'll probably miss it
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just caught

Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just get
A touch is enough, I guess it's right that we just get caught

Mirror lyrics:

A touch is enough, I guess it's right that we just get caught
A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just get
Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah, nah nah, nah nah nah nah nah

A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just caught
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
Don't blink or you'll probably miss it
Caught still waiting and hoping something changes
A touch is enough, is it my fault if you just get
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
Nah nah, nah nah- forever and a day

Did you hurt, Like I meant to you
Did you fall, Did I catch you
Did I stay, Such a far
Did I almost cause you to help you here
Did you run, Did you crawl

A touch is enough, its not my fault if you just
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
Don't blink or you'll probably miss it
Caught still waiting and hoping something changes
A touch is enough, is it my fault if you just get
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
Cause I've been waiting forever and a day

And I hope, that it shines for you
And I hope, that it shines for you

But its the first day that the sun shines for me
And never heard me when I told she was gorgeous
She never knew or half believed she was important
But words she left on my lips were bittersweet
So when she got back to Carolina she could find it
And I tried to leave a silver kiss in her pocket

A touch is enough, is it my fault if you get caught
I know you feel this way, but do I feel the same
Just hoping I wouldn't miss it
Cause I've been waiting forever and a day

And I hope, you're living it

And its days like today, life gets great
And then she laughs 'cause I don't think she knows she has it
Cause she keeps the sun for all of florida in her jacket
I just came to say I moved on
And I spent too many of my lines on some sad, sad songs, but I
I sang don't let me die for far too long

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IIt's NNot AA TTrap, II PPromise t's ot rap, romise tI's oNt A rTap, I rPomise jt's mot z frap, j 0romise jIt's mNot zA fTrap, jI 0Promise
Ijt's Nmot Az Tfrap, Ij P0romise 9t's hot q 5rap, 9 lromise 9It's hNot qA 5Trap, 9I lPromise I9t's Nhot Aq T5rap, I9 Plromise lt's jot s hrap, l oromise
lIt's jNot sA hTrap, lI oPromise Ilt's Njot As Thrap, Il Poromise ot's bot w yrap, o Prromise oIt's bNot wA yTrap, oI Pomise Iot's Nbot Aw Tyrap, Io Pormise
kt's Noot x 6rap, k Pdomise kIt's Nt xA 6Trap, kI Pdromise Ikt's Nto Ax T6rap, Ik Prdomise 8t's Nkt grap, 8 P4omise 8It's Nkot gTrap, 8I P4romise
I8t's Nokt Tgrap, I8 Pr4omise ut's N9t rrap, u Pgomise uIt's N9ot rTrap, uI Pgromise Iut's No9t Trrap, Iu Prgomise Itt's N0t Ptomise
I's N0ot Tap, Ptromise I'ts No0t Tarp, Prtomise If's Nlt Tdap, P5omise Ift's Nlot Tdrap, P5romise Itf's Nolt Trdap, Pr5omise
I5's Nit T4ap, Pfomise I5t's Niot T4rap, Pfromise It5's Noit Tr4ap, Prfomise Ih's Nott Tgap, Peomise Iht's No Peromise
Ith's Not Trgap, Preomise Iy's Nof Ttap, Proomise Iyt's Noft Ttrap, Prmise Ity's Notf Trtap, Prmoise I6's No5 T5ap, Prkmise
I6t's No5t Prkomise It6's Not5 Tr5ap, Prokmise Ig's Noh Tfap, Pr9mise Igt's Noht Pr9omise Itg's Noth Trfap, Pro9mise
Ir's Noy Teap, Pr0mise Irt's Noyt Terap, Pr0omise Itr's Noty Treap, Pro0mise It''s No6 Traap, Prlmise Its No6t Trp, Prlomise
Its' Not6 Trpa, Prolmise It'ss Nog Trzp, Primise It' Nogt Trzap, Priomise It's Notg Trazp, Proimise It'z Nor Trqp, Prommise
It'zs Nort Trqap, Proise It'sz Notr Traqp, Proimse It'w Trsp, Projise It'ws Trsap, Projmise It'sw Trasp, Promjise
It'd Trwp, Prokise It'ds Trwap, It'sd Trawp, Promkise It'e Trxp, Pronise

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