Goo Goo Dolls
All Eyes On Me

Daylight burns your sleepy eyes
It's hard to see you dreaming
You hide inside yourself
I wondered what you're thinkin'
And everything you're chasing
It seems to leave you empty
And it won't take long to burn
All eyes on me
Through the nothing that you've learned
All eyes on me
And the things you choose to be
All eyes on me

Just look away
It's so hard to be someone
Strung out from today
And all that you knew slips away

You drown in deeper oceans
Inventing new religions
They smile and stab my back and
I lie and have to laugh

And it won't take long to burn
All eyes on me
Through the nothing that you've learned
All eyes on me
And the things you choose to be
All eyes on me

Just look away
It's so hard to be someone
Strung out from today
And all that you knew slips away

And you hid in your room
And the light burns away
And you move from the truth
It's all so far from you

Mirror lyrics:

It's all so far from you
And you move from the truth
And the light burns away
And you hid in your room

And all that you knew slips away
Strung out from today
It's so hard to be someone
Just look away

All eyes on me
And the things you choose to be
All eyes on me
Through the nothing that you've learned
All eyes on me
And it won't take long to burn

I lie and have to laugh
They smile and stab my back and
Inventing new religions
You drown in deeper oceans

And all that you knew slips away
Strung out from today
It's so hard to be someone
Just look away

All eyes on me
And the things you choose to be
All eyes on me
Through the nothing that you've learned
All eyes on me
And it won't take long to burn
It seems to leave you empty
And everything you're chasing
I wondered what you're thinkin'
You hide inside yourself
It's hard to see you dreaming
Daylight burns your sleepy eyes

Relevant Tags:
AAll EEyes OOn MMe ll yes n e lAl yEes nO eM zll syes kn je zAll sEyes kOn jMe Azll Esyes Okn Mje qll 3yes 9n ke qAll 3Eyes 9On kMe
Aqll E3yes O9n Mke sll fyes 0n ne sAll fEyes 0On nMe Asll Efyes O0n Mne wll ryes ln Mee wAll rEyes lOn M Awll Eryes Oln Me xll 4yes in Ms
xAll 4Eyes iOn Mse Axll E4yes Oin Mes Alll dyes Onn M3 Al dEyes O M3e All Edyes On Me3 Akl wyes Om Mf Akll wEyes Omn Mfe Alkl Ewyes Onm Mef
Aol Eyyes Oh Mr Aoll Ees Ohn Mre Alol Eeys Onh Mer Apl Eges Oj M4 Apll Egyes Ojn M4e Alpl Eyges Onj Me4 Ehes Ob Md Ehyes Obn Mde
Eyhes Onb Med Alk E6es Mw E6yes Mwe Allk Ey6es Mew Alo Eues Euyes Allo Eyues Alp E7es
E7yes Allp Ey7es Ejes Ejyes Eyjes

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