Good Charlotte

I visualize the first time we're together
I close my eyes and for a moment all I see is you

Turn off the lights
Don't look outside
The world's gone crazy
But it's perfect here with you

I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right here standing next to you

I've never felt so alive

I know what you're thinking
You think that we're different
And my reputation, and the stories
Well at least you know it won't get boring

Like all the one's who came before me
Just let go as I crash into you

I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right here standing next to you

Heaven's heard me calling
The stars have all aligned
Your touch is so electric
And looking in your eyes

I've never felt so alive

It's so-so
The way you feel
How fast my heart is beating
And we're breathing together now

As we float out
Above the clouds
I swear I'll never let you down

I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right here standing next to you

Heaven's heard me calling
The stars have all aligned
Your touch is so electric
And looking in your eyes

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

Mirror lyrics:

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

I've never felt so alive

And looking in your eyes
Your touch is so electric
The stars have all aligned
Heaven's heard me calling

Like I feel right here standing next to you
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive

I swear I'll never let you down
Above the clouds
As we float out

And we're breathing together now
How fast my heart is beating
The way you feel
It's so-so

I've never felt so alive

And looking in your eyes
Your touch is so electric
The stars have all aligned
Heaven's heard me calling

Like I feel right here standing next to you
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive

Just let go as I crash into you
Like all the one's who came before me

Well at least you know it won't get boring
And my reputation, and the stories
You think that we're different
I know what you're thinking

I've never felt so alive

Like I feel right here standing next to you
I've never felt so alive
Like I feel right now in this moment
I've never felt so alive

But it's perfect here with you
The world's gone crazy
Don't look outside
Turn off the lights

I close my eyes and for a moment all I see is you
I visualize the first time we're together

Relevant Tags:
AAlive live lAive zlive zAlive Azlive qlive qAlive Aqlive slive sAlive
Aslive wlive wAlive Awlive xlive xAlive Axlive Allive Aive Ailve Akive
Aklive Alkive Aoive Aolive Aloive Apive Aplive Alpive Aliive Alve Alvie
Aljve Aljive Alijve Al9ve Al9ive Ali9ve Allve Alilve Alove Aliove

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