Girl In A Coma
Celibate Now

You don't know why you want her...
You say it's just your charm dear,
Another road to cross and mend

But do you hear the whispers?
Say, "Oh, see her now
she's just like that rest of them."

I'm only staying because I will wait for love

You say your celibate now,
Try to erase the past
But oh no, you crashed into me
And made your mark.

I'm only staying because I will wait for love.

I don't know what you're doing.
I don't like this much.
But now I see your plan
and now I understand.

I'm only staying because I will wait for love.

Mirror lyrics:

I'm only staying because I will wait for love.

and now I understand.
But now I see your plan
I don't like this much.
I don't know what you're doing.

I'm only staying because I will wait for love.

And made your mark.
But oh no, you crashed into me
Try to erase the past
You say your celibate now,

I'm only staying because I will wait for love

she's just like that rest of them."
Say, "Oh, see her now
But do you hear the whispers?

Another road to cross and mend
You say it's just your charm dear,
You don't know why you want her...

Relevant Tags:
CCelibate NNow elibate ow eClibate oNw felibate mow fCelibate mNow Cfelibate Nmow xelibate how xCelibate hNow Cxelibate Nhow
velibate jow vCelibate jNow Cvelibate Njow delibate bow dCelibate bNow Cdelibate Nbow Ceelibate Noow Clibate Nw Cleibate Nwo
Cslibate Nkw Cselibate Nkow Ceslibate Nokw C3libate N9w C3elibate N9ow Ce3libate No9w Cflibate N0w N0ow Ceflibate No0w
Crlibate Nlw Crelibate Nlow Cerlibate Nolw C4libate Niw C4elibate Niow Ce4libate Noiw Cdlibate Noww No Cedlibate Now
Cwlibate Noa Cwelibate Noaw Cewlibate Nowa Cellibate No3 Ceibate No3w Ceilbate Now3 Cekibate Nod Ceklibate Nodw Celkibate Nowd
Ceoibate Noe Ceolibate Noew Celoibate Nowe Cepibate Nos Ceplibate Nosw Celpibate Nows Celiibate No2 Celbate No2w Celbiate Now2
Celjbate Noq Celjibate Noqw Celijbate Nowq Cel9bate Cel9ibate Celi9bate Cellbate Celilbate Celobate
Celiobate Celkbate Celikbate Cel8bate Cel8ibate Celi8bate Celubate Celuibate Celiubate

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