Gladys Knight
I Got It Bad (and That Ain't Good)

Never treats me sweet and gentle
The way that he should
I've got it bad and that ain't good

My poor heart is sentimental
But certainly not made of wood
I've got it bad and that ain't good

But when the weekend's over
And Monday rolls around
I end up like I've starved out
Just cryin' and cryin', and cryin'
My poor hours out

'Cause he don't love me like I love him
But no, no, no, no nobody could, no
I've got it bad and that ain't good

Now folks with good intentions
Tell me to save my tears
I'm just glad, I'm mad about him
'Cause I just can't, I just can't live without him

I'm asking you Lord, up above me
Make him love me the way that it should
'Cause I've got it, I've got it real, real, real, real bad

I've got it, got it so bad, yeah
I've got it bad, so bad, I've got it bad
I've got it bad and that ain't good

Mirror lyrics:

I've got it bad and that ain't good
I've got it bad, so bad, I've got it bad
I've got it, got it so bad, yeah

'Cause I've got it, I've got it real, real, real, real bad
Make him love me the way that it should
I'm asking you Lord, up above me

'Cause I just can't, I just can't live without him
I'm just glad, I'm mad about him
Tell me to save my tears
Now folks with good intentions

I've got it bad and that ain't good
But no, no, no, no nobody could, no
'Cause he don't love me like I love him

My poor hours out
Just cryin' and cryin', and cryin'
I end up like I've starved out
And Monday rolls around
But when the weekend's over

I've got it bad and that ain't good
But certainly not made of wood
My poor heart is sentimental

I've got it bad and that ain't good
The way that he should
Never treats me sweet and gentle

Relevant Tags:
II GGot IIt BBad ((and TThat AAin't GGood) ot t ad and hat in't ood) I oGt tI aBd a(nd hTat iAn't oGod) j hot jt vad (aand fhat zin't hood) jI hGot jIt vBad (nd fThat zAin't hGood)
Ij Ghot Ijt Bvad (nad Tfhat Azin't Ghood) 9 yot 9t gad (znd 5hat qin't yood) 9I yGot 9It gBad (zand 5That qAin't yGood) I9 Gyot I9t Bgad (aznd T5hat Aqin't Gyood) l bot lt nad (qnd hhat sin't bood)
lI bGot lIt nBad (qand hThat sAin't bGood) Il Gbot Ilt Bnad (aqnd Thhat Asin't Gbood) o vot ot had (snd yhat win't vood) oI vGot oIt hBad (sand yThat wAin't vGood) Io Gvot Iot Bhad (asnd Tyhat Awin't Gvood)
k fot kt Baad (wnd 6hat xin't food) kI fGot kIt Bd (wand 6That xAin't fGood) Ik Gfot Ikt Bda (awnd T6hat Axin't Gfood) 8 tot 8t Bzd (xnd ghat Aiin't tood) 8I tGot 8It Bzad (xand gThat An't tGood)
I8 Gtot I8t Bazd (axnd Tghat Ani't Gtood) u Goot ut Bqd (annd rhat Ajn't Goood) uI Gt uIt Bqad (ad rThat Ajin't God) Iu Gto Iut Baqd (adn Trhat Aijn't Good) Gkt Itt Bsd (amd A9n't Gkod)
Gkot I Bsad (amnd Tat A9in't Gkood) Gokt It Basd (anmd Taht Ai9n't Gokod) G9t If Bwd (ahd Tjat Aln't G9od) G9ot Ift Bwad (ahnd Tjhat Alin't G9ood) Go9t Itf Bawd (anhd Thjat Ailn't Go9od)
G0t I5 Bxd (ajd Tuat Aon't G0od) G0ot I5t Bxad (ajnd Tuhat Aoin't G0ood) Go0t It5 Baxd (anjd Thuat Aion't Go0od) Glt Ih Badd (abd Tnat Akn't Glod) Glot Iht Ba (abnd Tnhat Akin't Glood)
Golt Ith Bad (anbd Thnat Aikn't Golod) Git Iy Bax (andd Tbat A8n't Giod) Giot Iyt (an Tbhat A8in't Giood) Goit Ity Badx (and Thbat Ai8n't Goiod) Gott I6 Bae (anx Tgat Aun't
Go I6t Baed (anxd Auin't Got It6 Bade (andx Thgat Aiun't Godo)

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