Grease (related Recordings)
Those Magic Changes

What's that playing on the radio?
Why do I start swaying to and fro?
I have never heard that song before
But if I don't hear it anymore

It's still familiar to me
Sends a thrill right through me
Cause those chords remind me of the night that I first fell in love to
Those magic changes
My heart arranges
A melody that's never the same
A melody that's calling your name
And begs you please come back to me
Please return to me don't go away again
Oh, make them play again
The music I wanna hear as once again you whisper in my ear
Ooh my darlin'

I'll be waiting by the radio
You'll come back to me some day I know
Been so lonesome since our last goodbye
But I'm singing as I cry-iy-iy

While the bass is sounding while the drums are pounding
Beatings of my broken heart will rise to first place in the
Oh my heart arranges
Oh those magic changes

Whoa-whoa-ah-oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Whoa-whoa-ah-oh yeah

Oh those magic changes
Oh my heart arranges
Beatings of my broken heart will rise to first place in the
While the bass is sounding while the drums are pounding

But I'm singing as I cry-iy-iy
Been so lonesome since our last goodbye
You'll come back to me some day I know
I'll be waiting by the radio

Ooh my darlin'
The music I wanna hear as once again you whisper in my ear
Oh, make them play again
Please return to me don't go away again
And begs you please come back to me
A melody that's calling your name
A melody that's never the same
My heart arranges
Those magic changes
Cause those chords remind me of the night that I first fell in love to
Sends a thrill right through me
It's still familiar to me

But if I don't hear it anymore
I have never heard that song before
Why do I start swaying to and fro?
What's that playing on the radio?

Relevant Tags:
TThose MMagic CChanges hose agic hanges hTose aMgic hCanges fhose jagic fhanges fThose jMagic fChanges Tfhose Mjagic Cfhanges
5hose kagic xhanges 5Those kMagic xChanges T5hose Mkagic Cxhanges hhose nagic vhanges hThose nMagic vChanges Thhose Mnagic Cvhanges
yhose Maagic dhanges yThose Mgic dChanges Tyhose Mgaic Cdhanges 6hose Mzgic Chhanges 6Those Mzagic Canges T6hose Mazgic Cahnges
ghose Mqgic Cjanges gThose Mqagic Cjhanges Tghose Maqgic Chjanges rhose Msgic Cuanges rThose Msagic Cuhanges Trhose Masgic Chuanges
Mwgic Cnanges Tose Mwagic Cnhanges Tohse Mawgic Chnanges Tjose Mxgic Cbanges Tjhose Mxagic Cbhanges Thjose Maxgic Chbanges
Tuose Maggic Cganges Tuhose Maic Cghanges Thuose Maigc Chganges Tnose Mahic Cyanges Tnhose Mahgic Cyhanges Thnose Maghic Chyanges
Tbose Mayic Chaanges Tbhose Maygic Chnges Thbose Magyic Chnages Tgose Mabic Chznges Mabgic Chzanges Thgose Magbic Chaznges
Tyose Mavic Chqnges Mavgic Chqanges Thyose Magvic Chaqnges Thoose Mafic Chsnges Thse Mafgic Chsanges Thsoe Magfic Chasnges
Thkse Matic Chwnges Thkose Matgic Chwanges Thokse Magtic Chawnges Th9se Magiic Chxnges Th9ose Magc Chxanges Tho9se Magci Chaxnges
Th0se Magjc Channges Th0ose Magjic Chages Tho0se Magijc Chagnes Thlse Mag9c Chamges Thlose Mag9ic Chamnges Tholse Magi9c Chanmges
Thise Maglc Chahges Thiose Maglic Chahnges Thoise Magilc Chanhges Thosse Magoc Chajges

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