Green Lizard
Turn Around

Jimmy saw the sun chase away the night
It was a quarter past seven
His body warm like the morning light
Had to be in school by eleven

He told himself what they had done to him
That's why Jimmy never felt real sad
If only someone could have lent a hand
Things would have never turned out so bad

Who knows why black flies just live for one day
Who knows why
Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story
Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story now

Always sat alone in the back of the class
Because no one would take him
Today he stood in front of the rest
Yeah, his hands were shaking

Who could have known what Jimmy thought
Never had a chance to speak his words out loud
The flies were burning in his head till
Jimmy let them all out

Who knows why black flies just live for one day
Who knows why

Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story
Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story now

It didn't pay to make fun of him
Too late to say, "I'm sorry"
No one would ever make fun of him
You and I all the time

Come with me
Take my hand
I will tell you when you're there
Come with me
Take my hand
I will tell you when you're there
Come with me
Take my hand
I will tell you when you're there

Mirror lyrics:

I will tell you when you're there
Take my hand
Come with me
I will tell you when you're there
Take my hand
Come with me
I will tell you when you're there
Take my hand
Come with me

You and I all the time
No one would ever make fun of him
Too late to say, "I'm sorry"
It didn't pay to make fun of him

It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story now
Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story
Hey turn around

Who knows why
Who knows why black flies just live for one day

Jimmy let them all out
The flies were burning in his head till
Never had a chance to speak his words out loud
Who could have known what Jimmy thought

Yeah, his hands were shaking
Today he stood in front of the rest
Because no one would take him
Always sat alone in the back of the class

It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story now
Hey turn around
It's time to wake up and go back to tell the story
Hey turn around
Who knows why
Who knows why black flies just live for one day

Things would have never turned out so bad
If only someone could have lent a hand
That's why Jimmy never felt real sad
He told himself what they had done to him

Had to be in school by eleven
His body warm like the morning light
It was a quarter past seven
Jimmy saw the sun chase away the night

Relevant Tags:
TTurn AAround urn round uTrn rAound furn zround fTurn zAround Tfurn Azround 5urn qround 5Turn qAround T5urn Aqround hurn sround
hTurn sAround Thurn Asround yurn wround yTurn wAround Tyurn Awround 6urn xround 6Turn xAround T6urn Axround gurn Arround gTurn Aound
Tgurn Aorund rurn Adound rTurn Adround Trurn Ardound Tuurn A4ound Trn A4round Trun Ar4ound Thrn Agound Aground Tuhrn Argound
T7rn Atound T7urn Atround Tu7rn Artound Tkrn A5ound Tkurn A5round Tukrn Ar5ound Tirn Afound Tiurn Afround Tuirn Arfound T8rn Aeound
T8urn Aeround Tu8rn Areound Tjrn Aroound Tjurn Arund Tujrn Aruond Tyrn Arkund Arkound Tuyrn Arokund Turrn Ar9und Tun Ar9ound
Tunr Aro9und Tudn Ar0und Tudrn Ar0ound Turdn Aro0und Tu4n Arlund Tu4rn Arlound Tur4n Arolund Tugn Ariund

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