Green Day
One For The Razorbacks

Juliet's trying to find out what she wants but she don't know
Experience has got her down.
Well, look this direction, I know it's not perfection, it's just me
I wanna bring you up again, now.

I'm losing what's left of my dignity
A small price I'll pay to see that your happy.
Forget all the disappointments you have faced.
Open up your worried world and let me in.

Juliet's crying, cause now she's realizing love can be
Filled with pain and distrust.
I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy but I will try
To bring up again somehow.

And I'm losing what's left of my dignity.
A small price I'll pay to see that your happy.
Forget all the disappointments you have faced.
Open up your worried world and let me in.

Mirror lyrics:

Open up your worried world and let me in.
Forget all the disappointments you have faced.
A small price I'll pay to see that your happy.
And I'm losing what's left of my dignity.

To bring up again somehow.
I know I am crazy, and a bit lazy but I will try
Filled with pain and distrust.
Juliet's crying, cause now she's realizing love can be

Open up your worried world and let me in.
Forget all the disappointments you have faced.
A small price I'll pay to see that your happy.
I'm losing what's left of my dignity

I wanna bring you up again, now.
Well, look this direction, I know it's not perfection, it's just me
Experience has got her down.
Juliet's trying to find out what she wants but she don't know

Relevant Tags:
OOne FFor TThe RRazorbacks ne or he azorbacks nOe oFr hTe aRzorbacks kne cor fhe dazorbacks kOne cFor fThe dRazorbacks Okne Fcor Tfhe Rdazorbacks
9ne ror 5he 4azorbacks 9One rFor 5The 4Razorbacks O9ne Fror T5he R4azorbacks 0ne gor hhe gazorbacks 0One gFor hThe gRazorbacks O0ne Fgor Thhe Rgazorbacks
lne tor yhe tazorbacks lOne tFor yThe tRazorbacks Olne Ftor Tyhe Rtazorbacks ine vor 6he 5azorbacks iOne vFor 6The 5Razorbacks Oine Fvor T6he R5azorbacks
Onne dor ghe fazorbacks Oe dFor gThe fRazorbacks Oen Fdor Tghe Rfazorbacks Ome Foor rhe eazorbacks Omne Fr rThe eRazorbacks Onme Fro Trhe Reazorbacks
Ohe Fkr Raazorbacks Ohne Fkor Te Rzorbacks Onhe Fokr Teh Rzaorbacks Oje F9r Tje Rzzorbacks Ojne F9or Tjhe Rzazorbacks Onje Fo9r Thje Razzorbacks
Obe F0r Tue Rqzorbacks Obne F0or Tuhe Rqazorbacks Onbe Fo0r Thue Raqzorbacks Onee Flr Tne Rszorbacks On Flor Tnhe Rsazorbacks One Folr Thne Raszorbacks
Ons Fir Tbe Rwzorbacks Onse Fior Tbhe Rwazorbacks Ones Foir Thbe Rawzorbacks On3 Forr Tge Rxzorbacks On3e Fo Rxazorbacks One3 For Thge Raxzorbacks
Onf Fod Tye Onfe Fodr Raorbacks Onef Ford Thye Raozrbacks Onr Fo4 Thee Raaorbacks Onre Fo4r Th Oner For4 The Razaorbacks
On4 Fog Ths Rasorbacks On4e Fogr Thse One4 Forg Thes Razsorbacks Ond Fot Th3 Raxorbacks Onde Fotr Th3e Oned Fort The3 Razxorbacks
Onw Fo5 Thf Razoorbacks Onwe Fo5r Thfe Razrbacks Onew For5 Thef Razrobacks Fof Thr Razkrbacks Fofr Thre Razkorbacks Forf Ther Razokrbacks
Foe Th4 Raz9rbacks Foer Th4e Raz9orbacks Fore The4 Razo9rbacks Thd Raz0rbacks Thde Raz0orbacks Thed Razo0rbacks
Thw Razlrbacks Thwe Razlorbacks Thew Razolrbacks Razirbacks Raziorbacks Razoirbacks
Razorrbacks Razobacks Razobracks Razodbacks Razodrbacks Razordbacks
Razo4backs Razo4rbacks Razor4backs Razogbacks Razogrbacks Razorgbacks
Razotbacks Razotrbacks Razortbacks Razo5backs Razo5rbacks

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