Great Bloomers
This Ain't You

Everyone's trying to hide their love
Ambition that they glibly speak of
Late at night, you're a white knight

Well I know, I know, I know
I've never seen you like this before
I've never seen you like this before

You make it seem like you have a dream
It's all cool if you have me there with you

I don't, I don't, I don't
Wanna see myself like that again
I don't wanna be that again

Well I know
This ain't you
And when we talk
You're coming through

I've made a few mistakes
You throw them in my face
But we are not the same
I want you here, but can you change

I'll help you stay up late
Keep our plans from yesterday
To sing and laugh and play along
And kick the olden ways away

Mirror lyrics:

And kick the olden ways away
To sing and laugh and play along
Keep our plans from yesterday
I'll help you stay up late

I want you here, but can you change
But we are not the same
You throw them in my face
I've made a few mistakes

You're coming through
And when we talk
This ain't you
Well I know

I don't wanna be that again
Wanna see myself like that again
I don't, I don't, I don't

It's all cool if you have me there with you
You make it seem like you have a dream

I've never seen you like this before
I've never seen you like this before
Well I know, I know, I know

Late at night, you're a white knight
Ambition that they glibly speak of
Everyone's trying to hide their love

Relevant Tags:
TThis AAin't YYou his in't ou hTis iAn't oYu fhis zin't gou fThis zAin't gYou Tfhis Azin't Ygou 5his qin't hou 5This qAin't hYou
T5his Aqin't Yhou hhis sin't 6ou hThis sAin't 6You Thhis Asin't Y6ou yhis win't uou yThis wAin't uYou Tyhis Awin't Yuou 6his xin't 7ou
6This xAin't 7You T6his Axin't Y7ou ghis Aiin't jou gThis An't jYou Tghis Ani't Yjou rhis Ajn't tou rThis Ajin't tYou Trhis Aijn't Ytou
A9n't Yoou Tis A9in't Yu Tihs Ai9n't Yuo Tjis Aln't Yku Tjhis Alin't Ykou Thjis Ailn't Yoku Tuis Aon't Y9u Tuhis Aoin't Y9ou
Thuis Aion't Yo9u Tnis Akn't Y0u Tnhis Akin't Y0ou Thnis Aikn't Yo0u Tbis A8n't Ylu Tbhis A8in't Ylou Thbis Ai8n't Yolu Tgis Aun't Yiu
Auin't Yiou Thgis Aiun't Yoiu Tyis Ainn't Youu

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