Gino Vannelli
Hurts To Be In Love

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Your kiss is like a half opened door
I can't get in
You stop me just before I begin
And it hurts to be in love
When you never get enough
Oh it hurts to be in love

This endless urge
Keeps my body right on the verge
We touch and then
I wanna do it all over again

And it hurts to be in love
When you only want me half as much
I tell you it hurts to be in love

I'm always worried you think I'm pushing too hard
Oh baby it hurts me when you tell me I'm going to far

We touch and then
I wanna do it all over again
And it hurts to be in love
When you only want me half as much
I tell you it hurts to be in love
It hurts
Baby it hurts
It hurts

Mirror lyrics:

It hurts
Baby it hurts
It hurts
I tell you it hurts to be in love
When you only want me half as much
And it hurts to be in love
I wanna do it all over again
We touch and then

Oh baby it hurts me when you tell me I'm going to far
I'm always worried you think I'm pushing too hard

I tell you it hurts to be in love
When you only want me half as much
And it hurts to be in love

I wanna do it all over again
We touch and then
Keeps my body right on the verge
This endless urge

Oh it hurts to be in love
When you never get enough
And it hurts to be in love
You stop me just before I begin
I can't get in
Your kiss is like a half opened door
More and more

Relevant Tags:
HHurts TTo BBe IIn LLove urts o e n ove uHrts oT eB nI oLve jurts fo ve jn kove jHurts fTo vBe jIn kLove Hjurts Tfo Bve Ijn Lkove
uurts 5o ge 9n oove uHurts 5To gBe 9In oLove Huurts T5o Bge I9n Loove nurts ho ne ln pove nHurts hTo nBe lIn pLove Hnurts Tho Bne Iln Lpove
burts yo he on bHurts yTo hBe oIn Lve Hburts Tyo Bhe Ion Lvoe gurts 6o Bee kn Lkve gHurts 6To B kIn Hgurts T6o Be Ikn Lokve
yurts go Bs 8n L9ve yHurts gTo Bse 8In L9ove Hyurts Tgo Bes I8n Lo9ve ro B3 un L0ve Hrts rTo B3e uIn L0ove Hruts Tro Be3 Iun Lo0ve
Hhrts Too Bf Inn Llve Hhurts T Bfe I Llove Huhrts To Bef In Lolve H7rts Tk Br Im Live H7urts Tko Bre Imn Liove Hu7rts Tok Ber Inm Loive
Hkrts T9 B4 Ih Lovve Hkurts T9o B4e Ihn Loe Hukrts To9 Be4 Inh Loev Hirts T0 Bd Ij Lobe Hiurts T0o Bde Lobve Huirts To0 Bed Inj Lovbe
H8rts Tl Bw Ib Loce H8urts Tlo Bwe Ibn Locve Hu8rts Tol Bew Inb Lovce Hjrts Ti Loge Tio Logve Hujrts Toi Lovge
Hyrts Lofe Lofve Huyrts Lovfe Hurrts Lovee Huts Lov Hutrs Love
Hudts Lovs Hudrts Lovse Hurdts Loves Hu4ts Lov3 Hu4rts Lov3e

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