Gilbert O'sullivan

Well here we are and here we go
Up the hill and down the slope
Pardon me if I seem out of breath
Bus was late so I walked instead
There's nobody quite like me
Isn't that Presumably What it is they say you're looking for
Ballad singer with a guitar
Okay so guitar was the part I got wrong
The rest of me surely is what you want.
Wait a minute who is this
He needs a psychiatrist Either that
or I do give me strength (Would do If I knew the way it went)
You say you sing slow songs and fast numbers too
Do you know volare (Is that her next to you)
I'm running round in circles I'm getting so forlorn
Whatever so forlorn's supposed to mean
I'm sick of good intentions
Whatever their intent on being
Who's responsibility lies in sending him to me
Tell me and I'll tear them limb from limb
I said Matt Monro not Gunga Din.
Our members will see him and eat him alive
No two ways about it
Or three or four or five one day you'll see I'll he enormous
(Then here's a tip lay off your fookin
They'll say of me and my performance It's
was superb (don't make me laugh)
The best we've heard (you must he daft)
False modesty is not for me Solo
The way to skin a rabbit the way to comb a hare
I know which one of those I'd rather heed
As I'm sure would the rabbit
Who only wants to live and breed
I write each and all my songs
Always have done all along
So if you want "My Way"
I can do Every song in my way just for you
Has it occurred to you that I might not be well
I've got a heart that needs a bypass I can tell
So here we are together then
You and me the best of friends (Best of friends you must be off your head)
How about employer then instead
We have to work closely and mostly we do
We're at opposite ends of An industry without any smoke
It's boiler being only fired by hope It is

Mirror lyrics:

It's boiler being only fired by hope It is
We're at opposite ends of An industry without any smoke
We have to work closely and mostly we do
How about employer then instead
You and me the best of friends (Best of friends you must be off your head)
So here we are together then
I've got a heart that needs a bypass I can tell
Has it occurred to you that I might not be well
I can do Every song in my way just for you
So if you want "My Way"
Always have done all along
I write each and all my songs
Who only wants to live and breed
As I'm sure would the rabbit
I know which one of those I'd rather heed
The way to skin a rabbit the way to comb a hare
False modesty is not for me Solo
The best we've heard (you must he daft)
was superb (don't make me laugh)
They'll say of me and my performance It's
(Then here's a tip lay off your fookin
Or three or four or five one day you'll see I'll he enormous
No two ways about it
Our members will see him and eat him alive
I said Matt Monro not Gunga Din.
Tell me and I'll tear them limb from limb
Who's responsibility lies in sending him to me
Whatever their intent on being
I'm sick of good intentions
Whatever so forlorn's supposed to mean
I'm running round in circles I'm getting so forlorn
Do you know volare (Is that her next to you)
You say you sing slow songs and fast numbers too
or I do give me strength (Would do If I knew the way it went)
He needs a psychiatrist Either that
Wait a minute who is this
The rest of me surely is what you want.
Okay so guitar was the part I got wrong
Ballad singer with a guitar
Isn't that Presumably What it is they say you're looking for
There's nobody quite like me
Bus was late so I walked instead
Pardon me if I seem out of breath
Up the hill and down the slope
Well here we are and here we go

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