Gilbert O'sullivan
Not In A Million Years

Every other morning
I lie in bed awake
And wonder why the dawning
Always has to break
Could it be it must
As we all expect it to
Could it be I just
Simply haven't got a clue
And what if it stayed behind
Had itself a change of mind
What would your impression be
How would you react
Would you simply smile and say
Don't be silly go away
Anyone can plainly see
It couldn't happen here
Not in a million years
So you think you're clever
Well, if you really are
Would you kindly tell me
How big is a star
And what does it contain
Is it metal or wood
How much does it cost
Is it really any good
And what if they all came down
Everyone upon the ground
What would your impression be
How would you react
Would you simply smile and say
Don't be silly go away
Anyone can plainly see
It couldn't happen here
Not in a million years
Everyone knows one and one is two
And all take for granted that it's true
Everybody know that the world is round
Although it doesn't look it from the ground
Everybody knows it's right
But what if one and one were five
And the world not really round
Everywhere was just a huge flat piece of ground
Look at all the animals
Living in zoos
Elephants and tigers
lions and kangaroos
Don't they all look cute
When they're hid behind a cage
Funny when they laugh
Exciting when then rage
But what if they took control
There and then reversed the role
What would your impression be
How would you react
Would you simply smile and say
don't be silly go away
Anyone can plainly see
It couldn't happen here
It couldn't happen here
Not in a million years

Mirror lyrics:

Not in a million years
It couldn't happen here
It couldn't happen here
Anyone can plainly see
don't be silly go away
Would you simply smile and say
How would you react
What would your impression be
There and then reversed the role
But what if they took control
Exciting when then rage
Funny when they laugh
When they're hid behind a cage
Don't they all look cute
lions and kangaroos
Elephants and tigers
Living in zoos
Look at all the animals
Everywhere was just a huge flat piece of ground
And the world not really round
But what if one and one were five
Everybody knows it's right
Although it doesn't look it from the ground
Everybody know that the world is round
And all take for granted that it's true
Everyone knows one and one is two
Not in a million years
It couldn't happen here
Anyone can plainly see
Don't be silly go away
Would you simply smile and say
How would you react
What would your impression be
Everyone upon the ground
And what if they all came down
Is it really any good
How much does it cost
Is it metal or wood
And what does it contain
How big is a star
Would you kindly tell me
Well, if you really are
So you think you're clever
Not in a million years
It couldn't happen here
Anyone can plainly see
Don't be silly go away
Would you simply smile and say
How would you react
What would your impression be
Had itself a change of mind
And what if it stayed behind
Simply haven't got a clue
Could it be I just
As we all expect it to
Could it be it must
Always has to break
And wonder why the dawning
I lie in bed awake
Every other morning

Relevant Tags:
NNot IIn AA MMillion YYears ot n illion ears oNt nI A iMllion eYars mot jn z jillion gears mNot jIn zA jMillion gYears Nmot Ijn Az Mjillion Ygears
hot 9n q killion hears hNot 9In qA kMillion hYears Nhot I9n Aq Mkillion Yhears jot ln s nillion 6ears jNot lIn sA nMillion 6Years Njot Iln As Mnillion Y6ears
bot on w Miillion uears bNot oIn wA Mllion uYears Nbot Ion Aw Mlilion Yuears Noot kn x Mjllion 7ears Nt kIn xA 7Years Nto Ikn Ax Mijllion Y7ears
Nkt 8n M9llion jears Nkot 8In M9illion jYears Nokt I8n Mi9llion Yjears N9t un Mlllion tears N9ot uIn Mlillion tYears No9t Iun Milllion Ytears
N0t Inn Mollion Yeears N0ot I Moillion Yars No0t In Miollion Yaers Nlt Im Mkllion Ysars Nlot Imn Ysears Nolt Inm Mikllion Yesars
Nit Ih M8llion Y3ars Niot Ihn M8illion Y3ears Noit Inh Mi8llion Ye3ars Nott Ij Mullion Yfars No Muillion Yfears Not Inj Miullion Yefars
Nof Ib Yrars Noft Ibn Milion Yrears Notf Inb Million Yerars No5 Miklion Y4ars No5t Y4ears Not5 Milklion Ye4ars
Noh Miolion Ydars Noht Ydears Noth Milolion Yedars Noy Miplion Ywars Noyt Mipllion Ywears Noty Milplion Yewars
No6 Yeaars No6t Yers Not6 Mililon Yeras Nog Milkion Yezrs Nogt Yezars Notg Millkion Yeazrs

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