Gilbert O'sullivan
Say Goodbye (spanish Version)

Say goodbye say good morning
Say good evening and good noon
Say hello tell me how you're feeling
Very well thanks and how are you

Say you did say you didn't
Say it's someone else instead
Say it's me would I be forgiven
Or is it something that I said

In spite of fears over what charges are proposed
In spite of tears over what secrets are disclosed
In spite of ears I have never heard you once complain

Sayonara konbanwa
Ohayo-gozaimasu kon-nichiwa
Kon-nichiwa gokigen-ikaga-desuka
Genki-desu arigato anatawa-ikaga-desuka

In spite of fears over inflation going up
In spite of tears over the breaking of a cup
In spite of years seems like it was only days ago

Say it is say it isn't
Say it's someone else instead
Say it's good when you don't like fishing
You just knock it on the head
You just knock it on the head
On the head
On the head

Say goodbye say good morning
Say good evening and good noon
Say hello tell me how you're feeling
Very well thanks and how are you

In spite of fears over a lack of crowd control
In spite of tears over a bag that someone stole
In spite of years I have never seen you look so well
Look so well
Look so well

(Japanese Version)
Sayonara konbanwa
Ohayo-gozaimasu kon-nichiwa
Kon-nichiwa gokigen-ikaga-desuka
Genki-desu arigato anatawa-ikaga-desuka

Mirror lyrics:

Genki-desu arigato anatawa-ikaga-desuka
Kon-nichiwa gokigen-ikaga-desuka
Ohayo-gozaimasu kon-nichiwa
Sayonara konbanwa
(Japanese Version)

Look so well
Look so well
In spite of years I have never seen you look so well
In spite of tears over a bag that someone stole
In spite of fears over a lack of crowd control

Very well thanks and how are you
Say hello tell me how you're feeling
Say good evening and good noon
Say goodbye say good morning

On the head
On the head
You just knock it on the head
You just knock it on the head
Say it's good when you don't like fishing
Say it's someone else instead
Say it is say it isn't

In spite of years seems like it was only days ago
In spite of tears over the breaking of a cup
In spite of fears over inflation going up

Genki-desu arigato anatawa-ikaga-desuka
Kon-nichiwa gokigen-ikaga-desuka
Ohayo-gozaimasu kon-nichiwa
Sayonara konbanwa

In spite of ears I have never heard you once complain
In spite of tears over what secrets are disclosed
In spite of fears over what charges are proposed

Or is it something that I said
Say it's me would I be forgiven
Say it's someone else instead
Say you did say you didn't

Very well thanks and how are you
Say hello tell me how you're feeling
Say good evening and good noon
Say goodbye say good morning

Relevant Tags:
SSay GGoodbye ((spanish VVersion) ay oodbye spanish ersion) aSy oGodbye s(panish eVrsion) zay hoodbye (sspanish bersion) zSay hGoodbye (panish bVersion)
Szay Ghoodbye (psanish Vbersion) way yoodbye (zpanish cersion) wSay yGoodbye (zspanish cVersion) Sway Gyoodbye (szpanish Vcersion) day boodbye (wpanish gersion)
dSay bGoodbye (wspanish gVersion) Sday Gboodbye (swpanish Vgersion) eay voodbye (dpanish fersion) eSay vGoodbye (dspanish fVersion) Seay Gvoodbye (sdpanish Vfersion)
xay foodbye (epanish Veersion) xSay fGoodbye (espanish Vrsion) Sxay Gfoodbye (sepanish Vresion) aay toodbye (xpanish Vsrsion) aSay tGoodbye (xspanish Vsersion)
Saay Gtoodbye (sxpanish Vesrsion) Gooodbye (apanish V3rsion) Sy Godbye (aspanish V3ersion) Sya Goodbye (sapanish Ve3rsion) Szy Gkodbye (sppanish Vfrsion)
Gkoodbye (sanish Sazy Gokodbye (sapnish Vefrsion) Sqy G9odbye (s0anish Vrrsion) Sqay G9oodbye (s0panish Vrersion) Saqy Go9odbye (sp0anish Verrsion)
Ssy G0odbye (slanish V4rsion) Ssay G0oodbye (slpanish V4ersion) Sasy Go0odbye (splanish Ve4rsion) Swy Glodbye (soanish Vdrsion) Gloodbye (sopanish Vdersion)
Sawy Golodbye (spoanish Vedrsion) Sxy Giodbye (spaanish Vwrsion) Gioodbye (spnish Vwersion) Saxy Goiodbye (spnaish Vewrsion) Sayy (spznish
Sa (spzanish Vesion) Say Godobye (spaznish Vesrion) Sag Gokdbye (spqnish Vedsion) Sagy (spqanish Sayg Gookdbye (spaqnish Verdsion)
Sah Go9dbye (spsnish Ve4sion) Sahy (spsanish Sayh Goo9dbye (spasnish Ver4sion) Sa6 Go0dbye (spwnish Vegsion) Sa6y (spwanish Vegrsion)
Say6 Goo0dbye (spawnish Vergsion) Sau Goldbye (spxnish Vetsion) Sauy (spxanish Vetrsion) Sayu Gooldbye (spaxnish Vertsion) Sa7 Goidbye (spannish Ve5sion)
Sa7y (spaish Ve5rsion) Say7 Gooidbye (spainsh Ver5sion) Saj Gooddbye (spamish Vefsion) Sajy Goobye (spamnish Sayj Goobdye (spanmish Verfsion)
Sat Gooxbye (spahish Veesion) Saty Gooxdbye (spahnish Sayt Goodxbye (spanhish Veresion) Gooebye (spajish Verssion) Gooedbye (spajnish Verion)
Goodebye (spanjish Verison) Goofbye (spabish Verzion)

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