Gilbert O'sullivan
I'm In Love With Love (again)

In the way that the world was flat
Long before it was round
Much the same as when Adam met Eve
Apes could not be found

I'm seeing things now in a different light
Even though the bulbs the same
Unlock the doors
Ceiling greet the floors
I'm in love with love (again)

How'd it happen let's just say
Luck has played it's part
I was seated in row F
While she served ala carte

For years I've struggled to overcome
The bitterness and pain
And now at last that's all in the past
I'm in love with love (again)

And anyone who tells you
Second time around
Doesn't get much better
Is on solid ground
Let the bells ring out
Let there be no doubt

Cross my heart and hope to die
Hope to die delete
Spread the news my life's returned
And boy does it taste sweet

To call it some kind of miracle
Would I think be a claim
Kick out the jams
Raise your lager cans
I'm in love with love (again)

I'm starting to get the feeling back
In places I could name
Suffice to say let the music play
I'm in love with love (again)

You''l have to excuse me
If I appear to
Be a little over keen
Hardly surprising considering where
For the last few years I've been

Once the writing is on the wall
Not much you can do
I tried everything in my power
She tried someone new

But now quite suddenly
Words like bliss
Have entered my domain
you have to laugh running with a bath
I'm in love with love

Arrest that man for every wheel he'll clamp
I'm in love with love
I'm in love with love
I'm in love with love (again)

Mirror lyrics:

I'm in love with love (again)
I'm in love with love
I'm in love with love
Arrest that man for every wheel he'll clamp

I'm in love with love
you have to laugh running with a bath
Have entered my domain
Words like bliss
But now quite suddenly

She tried someone new
I tried everything in my power
Not much you can do
Once the writing is on the wall

For the last few years I've been
Hardly surprising considering where
Be a little over keen
If I appear to
You''l have to excuse me

I'm in love with love (again)
Suffice to say let the music play
In places I could name
I'm starting to get the feeling back

I'm in love with love (again)
Raise your lager cans
Kick out the jams
Would I think be a claim
To call it some kind of miracle

And boy does it taste sweet
Spread the news my life's returned
Hope to die delete
Cross my heart and hope to die

Let there be no doubt
Let the bells ring out
Is on solid ground
Doesn't get much better
Second time around
And anyone who tells you

I'm in love with love (again)
And now at last that's all in the past
The bitterness and pain
For years I've struggled to overcome

While she served ala carte
I was seated in row F
Luck has played it's part
How'd it happen let's just say

I'm in love with love (again)
Ceiling greet the floors
Unlock the doors
Even though the bulbs the same
I'm seeing things now in a different light

Apes could not be found
Much the same as when Adam met Eve
Long before it was round
In the way that the world was flat

Relevant Tags:
II'm IIn LLove WWith LLove ((again) 'm n ove ith ove again) 'Im nI oLve iWth oLve a(gain) j'm jn kove aith kove (aagain) jI'm jIn kLove aWith kLove (gain)
Ij'm Ijn Lkove Waith Lkove (gaain) 9'm 9n oove 3ith oove (zgain) 9I'm 9In oLove 3With oLove (zagain) I9'm I9n Loove W3ith Loove (azgain) l'm ln pove dith pove (qgain)
lI'm lIn pLove dWith pLove (qagain) Il'm Iln Lpove Wdith Lpove (aqgain) o'm on eith (sgain) oI'm oIn Lve eWith Lve (sagain) Io'm Ion Lvoe Weith Lvoe (asgain)
k'm kn Lkve sith Lkve (wgain) kI'm kIn sWith (wagain) Ik'm Ikn Lokve Wsith Lokve (awgain) 8'm 8n L9ve 2ith L9ve (xgain) 8I'm 8In L9ove 2With L9ove (xagain)
I8'm I8n Lo9ve W2ith Lo9ve (axgain) u'm un L0ve qith L0ve (aggain) uI'm uIn L0ove qWith L0ove (aain) Iu'm Iun Lo0ve Wqith Lo0ve (aagin) I''m Inn Llve Wiith Llve (ahain)
Im I Llove Wth Llove (ahgain) Im' In Lolve Wtih Lolve (aghain) I'mm Im Live Wjth Live (ayain) I' Imn Liove Wjith Liove (aygain) I'm Inm Loive Wijth Loive (agyain)
I'j Ih Lovve W9th Lovve (abain) I'jm Ihn Loe W9ith Loe (abgain) I'mj Inh Loev Wi9th Loev (agbain) I'k Ij Lobe Wlth Lobe (avain) I'km Lobve Wlith Lobve (avgain)
I'mk Inj Lovbe Wilth Lovbe (agvain) I'n Ib Loce Woth Loce (afain) I'nm Ibn Locve Woith Locve (afgain) I'mn Inb Lovce Wioth Lovce (agfain) Loge Wkth Loge (atain)
Logve Wkith Logve (atgain) Lovge Wikth Lovge (agtain) Lofe W8th Lofe (agaain) Lofve W8ith Lofve (agin) Lovfe Wi8th Lovfe (agian)
Lovee Wuth Lovee (agzin) Lov Wuith Lov (agzain) Love Wiuth Love (agazin) Lovs Witth Lovs (agqin) Lovse Wih Lovse (agqain)
Loves Wiht Loves (agaqin)

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