Gigi D'agostino
The Devil In Love With An Angel

You were my everything
all i ever looked at was your smile
you brought joy to the world
you were an angel, my angel
what was I to love you
who was i to hold you

i burn in hell
seeing you
i fly in heaven
holding your hands
i am like a devil to you

how can a devil
ever fall in love
with a beautiful angel

hearing your voice
is like listening to millions of songz meddle in a medly
i love you so
your love is stronger than my entire soul

Mirror lyrics:

your love is stronger than my entire soul
i love you so
is like listening to millions of songz meddle in a medly
hearing your voice

with a beautiful angel
ever fall in love
how can a devil

i am like a devil to you
holding your hands
i fly in heaven
seeing you
i burn in hell

who was i to hold you
what was I to love you
you were an angel, my angel
you brought joy to the world
all i ever looked at was your smile
You were my everything

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDevil IIn LLove WWith AAn AAngel he evil n ove ith n ngel hTe eDvil nI oLve iWth nA nAgel fhe xevil jn kove aith zn zngel fThe xDevil jIn kLove aWith zAn zAngel
Tfhe Dxevil Ijn Lkove Waith Azn Azngel 5he eevil 9n oove 3ith qn qngel 5The eDevil 9In oLove 3With qAn qAngel T5he Deevil I9n Loove W3ith Aqn Aqngel hhe fevil ln pove dith sn sngel
hThe fDevil lIn pLove dWith sAn sAngel Thhe Dfevil Iln Lpove Wdith Asn Asngel yhe revil on eith wn wngel yThe rDevil oIn Lve eWith wAn wAngel Tyhe Drevil Ion Lvoe Weith Awn Awngel
6he cevil kn Lkve sith xn xngel 6The cDevil kIn sWith xAn xAngel T6he Dcevil Ikn Lokve Wsith Axn Axngel ghe sevil 8n L9ve 2ith Ann Anngel gThe sDevil 8In L9ove 2With A Agel
Tghe Dsevil I8n Lo9ve W2ith An Agnel rhe un L0ve qith Am Amgel rThe Dvil uIn L0ove qWith Amn Amngel Trhe Dveil Iun Lo0ve Wqith Anm Anmgel Dsvil Inn Llve Wiith Ah Ahgel
Te I Llove Wth Ahn Ahngel Teh Desvil In Lolve Wtih Anh Anhgel Tje D3vil Im Live Wjth Aj Ajgel Tjhe D3evil Imn Liove Wjith Ajn Ajngel Thje De3vil Inm Loive Wijth Anj Anjgel
Tue Dfvil Ih Lovve W9th Ab Abgel Tuhe Ihn Loe W9ith Abn Abngel Thue Defvil Inh Loev Wi9th Anb Anbgel Tne Drvil Ij Lobe Wlth Anggel Tnhe Lobve Wlith Anel
Thne Dervil Inj Lovbe Wilth Anegl Tbe D4vil Ib Loce Woth Anhel Tbhe D4evil Ibn Locve Woith Thbe De4vil Inb Lovce Wioth Anghel Tge Ddvil Loge Wkth Anyel
Ddevil Logve Wkith Anygel Thge Dedvil Lovge Wikth Angyel Tye Dwvil Lofe W8th Anbel Dwevil Lofve W8ith Thye Dewvil Lovfe Wi8th Angbel

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