Glee Cast
Burning Up (feat. Jonathan Groff)

Don't put me off, 'cause I'm on fire
And I can't quench my desire
Don't you know that I'm burning up for your love
You're not convinced that that's enough

I put myself in this position
And I deserve the imposition
But you don't even know I'm alive
And this pounding in my heart just won't die
I'm burning up

I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
For your love

You're always closing your door
Well that only makes me want you more
And day and night I cry for your love
But you're still not convinced that that is enough

To justify my wanting you
Now tell me what you want me to do
I'm not blind and I know
That you want to want me but you can't let go
Come on, let go, oh

I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
For your love

Oh, do you wanna see me down on my knees
Or bending over backwards now, would you be pleased
Unlike the others, I'd do anything
I'm not the same, I have no shame
I'm on fire

I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
For your love

I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love

You know you got me burning up, baby
You know you got me burning up, baby

Burning up for your love
Burning up for your love

Mirror lyrics:

Burning up for your love
Burning up for your love

You know you got me burning up, baby
You know you got me burning up, baby

I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love

For your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love

I'm on fire
I'm not the same, I have no shame
Unlike the others, I'd do anything
Or bending over backwards now, would you be pleased
Oh, do you wanna see me down on my knees

For your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love

Come on, let go, oh
That you want to want me but you can't let go
I'm not blind and I know
Now tell me what you want me to do
To justify my wanting you

But you're still not convinced that that is enough
And day and night I cry for your love
Well that only makes me want you more
You're always closing your door

For your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love
I'm burning up, burning up for your love

I'm burning up
And this pounding in my heart just won't die
But you don't even know I'm alive
And I deserve the imposition
I put myself in this position

You're not convinced that that's enough
Don't you know that I'm burning up for your love
And I can't quench my desire
Don't put me off, 'cause I'm on fire

Relevant Tags:
BBurning UUp ((feat. JJonathan GGroff) urning p feat. onathan roff) uBrning pU f(eat. oJnathan rGoff) vurning hp (ffeat. konathan hroff) vBurning hUp (eat. kJonathan hGroff)
Bvurning Uhp (efat. Jkonathan Ghroff) gurning 7p (ceat. ionathan yroff) gBurning 7Up (cfeat. iJonathan yGroff) Bgurning U7p (fceat. Jionathan Gyroff) nurning kp (reat. monathan broff)
nBurning kUp (rfeat. mJonathan bGroff) Bnurning Ukp (freat. Jmonathan Gbroff) hurning ip (geat. nonathan vroff) hBurning iUp (gfeat. nJonathan vGroff) Bhurning Uip (fgeat. Jnonathan Gvroff)
Buurning 8p (teat. honathan froff) Brning 8Up (tfeat. hJonathan fGroff) Bruning U8p (fteat. Jhonathan Gfroff) Bhrning jp (veat. uonathan troff) jUp (vfeat. uJonathan tGroff)
Buhrning Ujp (fveat. Juonathan Gtroff) B7rning yp (deat. Joonathan Grroff) B7urning yUp (dfeat. Jnathan Goff) Bu7rning Uyp (fdeat. Jnoathan Gorff) Bkrning Upp (feeat. Jknathan Gdoff)
Bkurning U (fat. Gdroff) Bukrning Up (faet. Joknathan Grdoff) Birning U0 (fsat. J9nathan G4off) Biurning U0p (fseat. J9onathan G4roff) Buirning Up0 (fesat. Jo9nathan Gr4off)
B8rning Ul (f3at. J0nathan Ggoff) B8urning Ulp (f3eat. J0onathan Ggroff) Bu8rning Upl (fe3at. Jo0nathan Grgoff) Bjrning Uo (ffat. Jlnathan Gtoff) Bjurning Uop Jlonathan
Bujrning Upo (fefat. Jolnathan Grtoff) Byrning (frat. Jinathan G5off) Byurning G5roff) Buyrning (ferat. Joinathan Gr5off) Burrning (f4at. Jonnathan Gfoff)
Buning (f4eat. Joathan Bunring (fe4at. Joanthan Grfoff) Budning (fdat. Jomathan Geoff) Budrning Jomnathan Geroff) Burdning (fedat. Jonmathan Greoff)
Bu4ning (fwat. Johathan Grooff) Bu4rning (fweat. Johnathan Grff) Bur4ning (fewat. Jonhathan Grfof) Bugning (feaat. Jojathan Grkff) Bugrning (fet. Jojnathan Grkoff)
Burgning (feta. Jonjathan Grokff) Butning (fezt. Jobathan Gr9ff) Butrning (fezat. Jobnathan Gr9off) Burtning (feazt. Jonbathan Gro9ff) Bu5ning (feqt. Jonaathan Gr0ff)
Bu5rning (feqat. Jonthan Gr0off) Bur5ning (feaqt. Jontahan Gro0ff) Bufning (fest. Jonzthan Grlff) Bufrning Jonzathan Grloff) Burfning (feast. Jonazthan Grolff)
Buening (fewt. Jonqthan Griff) Buerning Jonqathan Grioff) Burening (feawt. Jonaqthan Groiff) Burnning (fext. Jonsthan Grofff) Buring (fexat. Jonsathan Grof)
Burinng (feaxt. Jonasthan Groff) Burming (featt. Jonwthan Grocf) Burmning (fea. Jonwathan Grocff) Burnming (fea.t Jonawthan Grofcf) Burhing (feaf. Jonxthan Grorf)
Burhning (feaft. Jonxathan Grorff) Burnhing (featf. Jonaxthan Grofrf) Burjing (fea5. Jonatthan Grogf)

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