Glass Tiger
World That I Love

Broken handled suitcase
And a ticket in my hand
No where to run no place to hide
From where the common people stand
Endless carousel of dreams
In empty bottles and in the heroes of a comic magazine
These are the times of the heart blowing in the winds of change

But I could make it if I can see you right now
But this world just turns around

Another sad face headline falls
Down from the paper stand
If this world must crumble
Let it crumble in my hands

Yes I can make it if I can see you
Right now
This world still turns around

This is a world that I love
A world that I choose
But I won't be here if I can't be here with you

The world that I love
The world I believe in
So don't keep me waiting
It's my heart that you're breaking

Mirror lyrics:

It's my heart that you're breaking
So don't keep me waiting
The world I believe in
The world that I love

But I won't be here if I can't be here with you
A world that I choose
This is a world that I love

This world still turns around
Right now
Yes I can make it if I can see you

Let it crumble in my hands
If this world must crumble
Down from the paper stand
Another sad face headline falls

But this world just turns around
But I could make it if I can see you right now

These are the times of the heart blowing in the winds of change
In empty bottles and in the heroes of a comic magazine
Endless carousel of dreams
From where the common people stand
No where to run no place to hide
And a ticket in my hand
Broken handled suitcase

Relevant Tags:
WWorld TThat II LLove orld hat ove oWrld hTat I oLve aorld fhat j kove aWorld fThat jI kLove Waorld Tfhat Ij Lkove
3orld 5hat 9 oove 3World 5That 9I oLove W3orld T5hat I9 Loove dorld hhat l pove dWorld hThat lI pLove Wdorld Thhat Il Lpove
eorld yhat o eWorld yThat oI Lve Weorld Tyhat Io Lvoe sorld 6hat k Lkve sWorld 6That kI Wsorld T6hat Ik Lokve
2orld ghat 8 L9ve 2World gThat 8I L9ove W2orld Tghat I8 Lo9ve qorld rhat u L0ve qWorld rThat uI L0ove Wqorld Trhat Iu Lo0ve
Woorld Llve Wrld Tat Llove Wrold Taht Lolve Wkrld Tjat Live Wkorld Tjhat Liove Wokrld Thjat Loive
W9rld Tuat Lovve W9orld Tuhat Loe Wo9rld Thuat Loev W0rld Tnat Lobe W0orld Tnhat Lobve Wo0rld Thnat Lovbe
Wlrld Tbat Loce Wlorld Tbhat Locve Wolrld Thbat Lovce Wirld Tgat Loge Wiorld Logve Woirld Thgat Lovge
Worrld Tyat Lofe Wold Lofve Wolrd Thyat Lovfe Wodld Thaat Lovee Wodrld Tht Lov Wordld Thta Love
Wo4ld Thzt Lovs Wo4rld Thzat Lovse

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