Glass Tiger
Send Your Love

I'm out among the wildlife
Waiting among the daylight again
To come from above
It's like falling in love
You walk on the high road
To see just where life goes
And then your heart beats so slow
It just wants you to know
That I've had your love
I'll never be the same
Send your love
Give it all to me
Send your love
Senorita send your love
You walk on a fine line

But the bell saves you
In time again
So the world sets you free
Now it's looking for me
But I've had your love
Now I'll never be the same
You're searching all alone
With a heart that's
Turned to stone
And it tears you up inside
But it's your life

Mirror lyrics:

But it's your life
And it tears you up inside
Turned to stone
With a heart that's
You're searching all alone
Now I'll never be the same
But I've had your love
Now it's looking for me
So the world sets you free
In time again
But the bell saves you

You walk on a fine line
Senorita send your love
Send your love
Give it all to me
Send your love
I'll never be the same
That I've had your love
It just wants you to know
And then your heart beats so slow
To see just where life goes
You walk on the high road
It's like falling in love
To come from above
Waiting among the daylight again
I'm out among the wildlife

Relevant Tags:
SSend YYour LLove end our ove eSnd oYur oLve zend gour kove zSend gYour kLove Szend Ygour Lkove wend hour oove wSend hYour oLove
Swend Yhour Loove dend 6our pove dSend 6Your pLove Sdend Y6our Lpove eend uour eSend uYour Lve Seend Yuour Lvoe xend 7our Lkve
xSend 7Your Sxend Y7our Lokve aend jour L9ve aSend jYour L9ove Saend Yjour Lo9ve tour L0ve Snd tYour L0ove Sned Ytour Lo0ve
Ssnd Yoour Llve Ssend Yur Llove Sesnd Yuor Lolve S3nd Ykur Live S3end Ykour Liove Se3nd Yokur Loive Sfnd Y9ur Lovve Sfend Y9our Loe
Sefnd Yo9ur Loev Srnd Y0ur Lobe Srend Y0our Lobve Sernd Yo0ur Lovbe S4nd Ylur Loce S4end Ylour Locve Se4nd Yolur Lovce Sdnd Yiur Loge
Yiour Logve Sednd Yoiur Lovge Swnd Youur Lofe Yor Lofve

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