Glass Tiger
Don't Forget Me (when I'm Gone)

You take my breath away
Love thinks it's here to stay
There's still so much for me to do
And I can't stop loving you
Oh can this be true

If you could see what I have seen
(The) broken hearts and broken dreams
Then I wake up and you're not there
Pain finds me everywhere
Oh! but you don't care


Don't forget me when I'm gone
My heart would break
I have loved you for so long
It's all I can take

You, you take my breath away
Love thinks it's here to stay
There's still so much for me to do
And I can't stop loving you
Oh! can this be true


Then I wake up and you're not there
Pain finds me everywhere
Oh! but you don't care


Mirror lyrics:


Oh! but you don't care
Pain finds me everywhere
Then I wake up and you're not there


Oh! can this be true
And I can't stop loving you
There's still so much for me to do
Love thinks it's here to stay
You, you take my breath away

It's all I can take
I have loved you for so long
My heart would break
Don't forget me when I'm gone


Oh! but you don't care
Pain finds me everywhere
Then I wake up and you're not there
(The) broken hearts and broken dreams
If you could see what I have seen

Oh can this be true
And I can't stop loving you
There's still so much for me to do
Love thinks it's here to stay
You take my breath away

Relevant Tags:
DDon't FForget MMe ((when II'm GGone) on't orget e when 'm one) oDn't oFrget eM w(hen 'Im oGne) xon't corget je (wwhen j'm hone) xDon't cForget jMe (hen jI'm hGone)
Dxon't Fcorget Mje (hwen Ij'm Ghone) eon't rorget ke (ahen 9'm yone) eDon't rForget kMe (awhen 9I'm yGone) Deon't Frorget Mke (wahen I9'm Gyone) fon't gorget ne (3hen l'm bone)
fDon't gForget nMe (3when lI'm bGone) Dfon't Fgorget Mne (w3hen Il'm Gbone) ron't torget Mee (dhen o'm vone) rDon't tForget M (dwhen oI'm vGone) Dron't Ftorget Me (wdhen Io'm Gvone)
con't vorget Ms (ehen k'm fone) cDon't vForget Mse (ewhen kI'm fGone) Dcon't Fvorget Mes (wehen Ik'm Gfone) son't dorget M3 (shen 8'm tone) sDon't dForget M3e (swhen 8I'm tGone)
Dson't Fdorget Me3 (wshen I8'm Gtone) Doon't Foorget Mf (2hen u'm Goone) Dn't Frget Mfe (2when uI'm Gne) Dno't Froget Mef (w2hen Iu'm Gnoe) Dkn't Fkrget Mr (qhen I''m Gkne)
Dkon't Fkorget Mre (qwhen Im Gkone) Dokn't Fokrget Mer (wqhen Im' Gokne) D9n't F9rget M4 (whhen I'mm G9ne) D9on't F9orget M4e (wen I' G9one) Do9n't Fo9rget Me4 (wehn I'm Go9ne)
D0n't F0rget Md (wjen I'j G0ne) D0on't F0orget Mde (wjhen I'jm G0one) Do0n't Fo0rget Med (whjen I'mj Go0ne) Dln't Flrget Mw (wuen I'k Glne) Dlon't Florget Mwe (wuhen I'km Glone)
Doln't Folrget Mew (whuen I'mk Golne) Din't Firget (wnen I'n Gine) Dion't Fiorget (wnhen I'nm Gione) Doin't Foirget (whnen I'mn Goine) Donn't Forrget (wben Gonne)
Do't Foget (wbhen Goe) Do'nt Fogret (whben Goen) Dom't Fodget (wgen Gome) Domn't Fodrget (wghen Gomne) Donm't Fordget (whgen Gonme)
Doh't Fo4get (wyen Gohe) Dohn't Fo4rget (wyhen Gohne) Donh't For4get (whyen Gonhe) Doj't Fogget (wheen Goje) Dojn't Fogrget (whn Gojne)
Donj't Forgget (whne Gonje) Dob't Fotget (whsn Gobe) Dobn't Fotrget (whsen Gobne) Donb't Fortget (whesn Gonbe) Don''t Fo5get (wh3n Gonee)
Dont Fo5rget (wh3en Gon) Dont' For5get (whe3n Gon)e Don'tt Fofget (whfn Gons) Don' Fofrget (whfen Gonse) Don't Forfget (whefn Gones)
Don'f Foeget (whrn Gon3) Don'ft Foerget (whren Gon3e) Don'tf Foreget (whern Gone3)

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