The Gillette Cavalcade Of Sports

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
A round and about..
Down the line I'm heir
To throne nowhere.

I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish
A mountain of doubt down the line I'm heir
to throne nowhere.
I'm scared.


Here's where the train ride ends.
Screaming, "is this your decision?"
We were the best of friends,
I'll go nowhere.

This isn't where,
This isn't where I found you

"Life is such a ball I run the world from city hall"
And I own you all.

In this,
In this Holiday Inn..

Welcome back race fans, it's Cavalcade sport time again.
Here at the jamboree,
Home of the hits.
How you doing Bob?
It's the last stretch
And my heart.. my heart stays in the lead
And we see first, second behind my heart is my mind
Third behind my mind is my body.
Fourth behind my body is my soul
And my heart stays in the lead.
Coming around the stretch..
That was a good one Bob.

No dutch.

"Home is where the heart it is..."
"on the bus!"

Mirror lyrics:

"on the bus!"
"Home is where the heart it is..."

No dutch.

That was a good one Bob.
Coming around the stretch..
And my heart stays in the lead.
Fourth behind my body is my soul
Third behind my mind is my body.
And we see first, second behind my heart is my mind
And my heart.. my heart stays in the lead
It's the last stretch
How you doing Bob?
Home of the hits.
Here at the jamboree,
Welcome back race fans, it's Cavalcade sport time again.

In this Holiday Inn..
In this,

And I own you all.
"Life is such a ball I run the world from city hall"

This isn't where I found you
This isn't where,

I'll go nowhere.
We were the best of friends,
Screaming, "is this your decision?"
Here's where the train ride ends.


I'm scared.
to throne nowhere.
A mountain of doubt down the line I'm heir
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish

To throne nowhere.
Down the line I'm heir
A round and about..
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish

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Tfhe Ghillette Cfavalcade Okf Szports 5he yillette xavalcade 9f wports 5The yGillette xCavalcade 9Of wSports T5he Gyillette Cxavalcade O9f Swports hhe billette vavalcade 0f dports
hThe bGillette vCavalcade 0Of dSports Thhe Gbillette Cvavalcade O0f Sdports yhe villette davalcade lf eports yThe vGillette dCavalcade lOf eSports Tyhe Gvillette Cdavalcade Olf Seports
6he fillette Caavalcade if xports 6The fGillette Cvalcade iOf xSports T6he Gfillette Cvaalcade Oif Sxports ghe tillette Czvalcade Off aports gThe tGillette Czavalcade O aSports
Tghe Gtillette Cazvalcade Of Saports rhe Giillette Cqvalcade Oc Spports rThe Gllette Cqavalcade Ocf Sorts Trhe Glilette Caqvalcade Ofc Soprts Gjllette Csvalcade Or S0orts
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