Get Up Kids
Newfound Mass (2000)

If I told you that I was thinking of moving east,
Would you save a place for me?
I'll come's worse than I expected

Place in my heart
Home to the west
We'll watch
Same sunsets
When I'm down
I'll look east...

Lock my heart in a brass box
To New Found Mass, I'm breaking off...
This is my home!

I'd do anything for you, give you the world if I could
Is that what you want me to do?
Bridges and boundaries
Bringing me closer to you

Mirror lyrics:

Bringing me closer to you
Bridges and boundaries
Is that what you want me to do?
I'd do anything for you, give you the world if I could

This is my home!
To New Found Mass, I'm breaking off...
Lock my heart in a brass box

I'll look east...
When I'm down
Same sunsets
We'll watch
Home to the west
Place in my heart

I'll come's worse than I expected
Would you save a place for me?
If I told you that I was thinking of moving east,

Relevant Tags:
NNewfound MMass ((2000) ewfound ass 2000) eNwfound aMss 2(000) mewfound jass (22000) mNewfound jMass (000) Nmewfound Mjass (0200)
hewfound kass (3000) hNewfound kMass (32000) Nhewfound Mkass (23000) jewfound nass (q000) jNewfound nMass (q2000) Njewfound Mnass (2q000)
bewfound Maass (w000) bNewfound Mss (w2000) Nbewfound Msas (2w000) Neewfound Mzss (1000) Nwfound Mzass (12000) Nwefound Mazss (21000)
Nswfound Mqss (20000) Nsewfound Mqass (200) Neswfound Maqss (2000) N3wfound Msss (2p00) N3ewfound Msass (2p000) Ne3wfound Masss (20p00)
Nfwfound Mwss (2900) Nfewfound Mwass (29000) Nefwfound Mawss (20900) Nrwfound Mxss (2o00) Nrewfound Mxass (2o000) Nerwfound Maxss (20o00)
N4wfound N4ewfound Mas Ne4wfound Mass Ndwfound Mazs (20p0) Ndewfound Nedwfound Maszs (200p0)
Nwwfound Maws (2090) Nwewfound Newwfound Masws (20090) Mads (20o0) Nefound Madss Nefwound Masds (200o0)
Neafound Maes Neawfound Maess Newafound Mases (200)0 Ne3found Maxs (200p) New3found Masxs (2000p) Nedfound Maas (2009)
Newdfound Masas (20009) Neefound (200o) Newefound (2000o) Nesfound Masz (2000)) (2000 Newsfound Massz
Ne2found Masw Ne2wfound New2found Massw Neqfound Masd Neqwfound Newqfound Massd
Newffound Mase Newound Newofund Masse Newcound Masx Newcfound Newfcound Massx
Newround Masa Newrfound Newfround Massa Newgound Newgfound Newfgound

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d'wãƒâ¤lt uff em chopf

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