Get Up Kids
Central Standard Time

cold october fall
at the outside of a vfw hall
i said i minded distance
but distance would define us
define us all
a tree in nichol's park
i carved a broken heart
i said i minded distance
but distance owned us from the very start
it's every song
there's dividing lines between east and standard time
so promise me
you'll still be mine
will this come between us
as i doubt all of the pages i pour out
when our doubts become regret
don't ever, don't ever forget
my only
you own me
if you'd only see

Mirror lyrics:

if you'd only see
you own me
my only
don't ever, don't ever forget
when our doubts become regret
as i doubt all of the pages i pour out
will this come between us
you'll still be mine
so promise me
there's dividing lines between east and standard time
it's every song
but distance owned us from the very start
i said i minded distance
i carved a broken heart
a tree in nichol's park
define us all
but distance would define us
i said i minded distance
at the outside of a vfw hall
cold october fall

Relevant Tags:
CCentral SStandard TTime entral tandard ime eCntral tSandard iTme fentral ztandard fime fCentral zStandard fTime Cfentral Sztandard Tfime
xentral wtandard 5ime xCentral wStandard 5Time Cxentral Swtandard T5ime ventral dtandard hime vCentral dStandard hTime Cventral Sdtandard Thime
dentral etandard yime dCentral eStandard yTime Cdentral Setandard Tyime Ceentral xtandard 6ime Cntral xStandard 6Time Cnetral Sxtandard T6ime
Csntral atandard gime Csentral aStandard gTime Cesntral Satandard Tgime C3ntral Sttandard rime C3entral Sandard rTime Ce3ntral Satndard Trime
Cfntral Sfandard Tiime Sftandard Tme Cefntral Stfandard Tmie Crntral S5andard Tjme Crentral S5tandard Tjime Cerntral St5andard Tijme
C4ntral Shandard T9me C4entral Shtandard T9ime Ce4ntral Sthandard Ti9me Cdntral Syandard Tlme Sytandard Tlime Cedntral Styandard Tilme
Cwntral S6andard Tome Cwentral S6tandard Toime Cewntral St6andard Tiome Cenntral Sgandard Tkme Cetral Sgtandard Tkime Cetnral Stgandard Tikme
Cemtral Srandard T8me Cemntral Srtandard T8ime Cenmtral Strandard Ti8me Cehtral Staandard Tume Cehntral Stndard Tuime Cenhtral Stnadard Tiume
Cejtral Stzndard Timme Cejntral Stzandard Tie Cenjtral Stazndard Tiem Cebtral Stqndard Tije Cebntral Stqandard Cenbtral Staqndard Timje
Centtral Stsndard Tike Cenral Stsandard Cenrtal Stasndard Timke Cenfral Stwndard Tine Cenftral Stwandard Tinme Centfral Stawndard Timne
Cen5ral Stxndard Timee Cen5tral Stxandard Tim Cent5ral Staxndard Time Cenhral Stanndard Tims Stadard Timse Centhral Stadnard Times
Cenyral Stamdard Tim3 Cenytral Stamndard Tim3e Centyral Stanmdard Time3 Cen6ral Stahdard Timf Cen6tral Stahndard Timfe Cent6ral Stanhdard Timef
Cengral Stajdard Timr Cengtral Stajndard Timre Centgral Stanjdard Timer Cenrral Stabdard Tim4 Cenrtral Stabndard Tim4e Centrral Stanbdard Time4

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