Gerry Rafferty
Big Change In The Weather

I know you from way back when we used to be together,
I knew you before your hair was long.
Now it seems that now we're out, there's been a big change in the weather,
Had to sit down and write this song,
I had to sit down and write this song, mmmm.

Now when I read what you said it came as no surprise
I knew you'd spit it out someday.
Yes I knew that you'd do it and you know that you blew it,
Right then you gave it all away,
Ah, right then you gave it all away, mmmm.

Seems so long ago but I know you must remember
How you used to bare your soul to me.
All your dreams, all your fears, all your hopes and all your tears
Just might have slipped your memory,
Just might have slipped your memory, mmmm.

Well, now you're a hero, they line up to feed your ego,
They just love everything you do.
But I'm still in no hurry and I sure don't have to worry
When I look at what that's done to you,
Yeah, when I look at what that's done to you, mmmm.

If your head is in a mess why don't you give yourself a rest
Before you finally reach the end?
When your bubble is bust and you don't know who to trust,
I hope you recognise your friends,
I just hope you recognise your friends, mmmm.

We've all got to grow up, we've all got to own up,
We're all going to die someday.
Yes, we're all in the same boat, wearing the same coat,
Everybody's going one way,
I said everybody's going one way.

Mirror lyrics:

I said everybody's going one way.
Everybody's going one way,
Yes, we're all in the same boat, wearing the same coat,
We're all going to die someday.
We've all got to grow up, we've all got to own up,

I just hope you recognise your friends, mmmm.
I hope you recognise your friends,
When your bubble is bust and you don't know who to trust,
Before you finally reach the end?
If your head is in a mess why don't you give yourself a rest

Yeah, when I look at what that's done to you, mmmm.
When I look at what that's done to you,
But I'm still in no hurry and I sure don't have to worry
They just love everything you do.
Well, now you're a hero, they line up to feed your ego,

Just might have slipped your memory, mmmm.
Just might have slipped your memory,
All your dreams, all your fears, all your hopes and all your tears
How you used to bare your soul to me.
Seems so long ago but I know you must remember

Ah, right then you gave it all away, mmmm.
Right then you gave it all away,
Yes I knew that you'd do it and you know that you blew it,
I knew you'd spit it out someday.
Now when I read what you said it came as no surprise

I had to sit down and write this song, mmmm.
Had to sit down and write this song,
Now it seems that now we're out, there's been a big change in the weather,
I knew you before your hair was long.
I know you from way back when we used to be together,

Relevant Tags:
BBig CChange IIn TThe WWeather ig hange n he eather iBg hCange nI hTe eWather vig fhange jn fhe aeather vBig fChange jIn fThe aWeather
Bvig Cfhange Ijn Tfhe Waeather gig xhange 9n 5he 3eather gBig xChange 9In 5The 3Weather Bgig Cxhange I9n T5he W3eather nig vhange ln hhe deather
nBig vChange lIn hThe dWeather Bnig Cvhange Iln Thhe Wdeather hig dhange on yhe eeather hBig dChange oIn yThe eWeather Bhig Cdhange Ion Tyhe Weeather
Biig Chhange kn 6he seather Bg Cange kIn 6The sWeather Bgi Cahnge Ikn T6he Wseather Bjg Cjange 8n ghe 2eather Bjig Cjhange 8In gThe 2Weather
Bijg Chjange I8n Tghe W2eather B9g Cuange un rhe qeather B9ig Cuhange uIn rThe qWeather Bi9g Chuange Iun Trhe Wqeather Blg Cnange Inn
Blig Cnhange I Te Wather Bilg Chnange In Teh Waether Bog Cbange Im Tje Wsather Boig Cbhange Imn Tjhe Biog Chbange Inm Thje Wesather
Bkg Cgange Ih Tue W3ather Bkig Cghange Ihn Tuhe Bikg Chgange Inh Thue We3ather B8g Cyange Ij Tne Wfather B8ig Cyhange Tnhe Wfeather
Bi8g Chyange Inj Thne Wefather Bug Chaange Ib Tbe Wrather Buig Chnge Ibn Tbhe Wreather Biug Chnage Inb Thbe Werather Bigg Chznge Tge W4ather
Bi Chzange W4eather Big Chaznge Thge We4ather Bih Chqnge Tye Wdather Bihg Chqange Bigh Chaqnge Thye Wedather
Biy Chsnge Thee Wwather Biyg Chsange Th Wweather Bigy Chasnge The Wewather Bib Chwnge Ths Weaather Bibg Chwange Thse Wether
Bigb Chawnge Thes Wetaher Biv Chxnge Th3 Wezther Bivg Chxange Th3e Wezather Bigv Chaxnge The3 Weazther Bif Channge Thf Weqther
Bifg Chage Thfe Weqather Bigf Chagne Thef Weaqther Bit Chamge Thr Westher Bitg Chamnge Thre Bigt Chanmge Ther Weasther
Chahge Th4 Wewther Chahnge Th4e Chanhge The4 Weawther Chajge Thd Wexther Chajnge Thde Wexather
Chanjge Thed Weaxther Chabge Thw Weatther Chabnge Thwe Weaher Chanbge Thew Weahter Changge Weafher
Chane Weafther Chaneg Weatfher Chanhe Wea5her

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