Geraldine Fibbers
Arrow To My Drunken Eye

Thieves and sweet things
All come this way
And anyone is welcome
Until the break of day

Don't be caught with
Your nightie masted
If you are questioned, don't tell them
Don't tell them what we've discussed

I look under my bed
No monsters are there
I still have hands and a head
So it's been a good day

Been a good day so
I say my prayers, I say my prayers
Don't rescue me
I'm fine right where I am

I'm censor, I'm optic
I'm a lake at high noon
Glittering ripple
Rip open cocoon

Mirror lyrics:

Rip open cocoon
Glittering ripple
I'm a lake at high noon
I'm censor, I'm optic

I'm fine right where I am
Don't rescue me
I say my prayers, I say my prayers
Been a good day so

So it's been a good day
I still have hands and a head
No monsters are there
I look under my bed

Don't tell them what we've discussed
If you are questioned, don't tell them
Your nightie masted
Don't be caught with

Until the break of day
And anyone is welcome
All come this way
Thieves and sweet things

Relevant Tags:
AArrow TTo MMy DDrunken EEye rrow o y runken ye rArow oT yM rDunken yEe zrrow fo jy xrunken sye zArrow fTo jMy xDrunken sEye Azrrow Tfo Mjy Dxrunken Esye
qrrow 5o ky erunken 3ye qArrow 5To kMy eDrunken 3Eye Aqrrow T5o Mky Derunken E3ye srrow ho ny frunken fye sArrow hTo nMy fDrunken fEye Asrrow Tho Mny Dfrunken Efye
wrrow yo Myy rrunken rye wArrow yTo M rDrunken rEye Awrrow Tyo My Drrunken Erye xrrow 6o Mg crunken 4ye xArrow 6To Mgy cDrunken 4Eye Axrrow T6o Myg Dcrunken E4ye
Arrrow go Mh srunken dye Arow gTo Mhy sDrunken dEye Arrow Tgo Myh Dsrunken Edye Adrow ro M6 wye Adrrow rTo M6y Dunken wEye Ardrow Tro My6 Durnken Ewye
A4row Too Mu Ddunken Eyye A4rrow T Muy Ddrunken Ee Ar4row To Myu Drdunken Eey Agrow Tk M7 D4unken Ege Agrrow Tko M7y D4runken Egye Argrow Tok My7 Dr4unken Eyge
Atrow T9 Mj Dgunken Ehe Atrrow T9o Dgrunken Ehye Artrow To9 Myj Drgunken Eyhe A5row T0 Mt Dtunken E6e A5rrow T0o Mty Dtrunken E6ye Ar5row To0 Myt Drtunken Ey6e
Afrow Tl D5unken Eue Afrrow Tlo D5runken Euye Arfrow Tol Dr5unken Eyue Aerow Ti Dfunken E7e Aerrow Tio E7ye Arerow Toi Drfunken Ey7e
Deunken Eje Ejye Arorw Dreunken Eyje Ardow Druunken Ete Drnken Etye Arrdow Drnuken Eyte
Ar4ow Drhnken Eyee Drhunken Ey Arr4ow Druhnken Eye Argow Dr7nken Eys Dr7unken Eyse Arrgow Dru7nken Eyes
Artow Drknken Ey3 Drkunken Ey3e Arrtow Druknken Eye3 Ar5ow Drinken Eyf Driunken Eyfe Arr5ow Druinken Eyef
Arfow Dr8nken Eyr Dr8unken Eyre Arrfow Dru8nken Eyer Areow Drjnken Ey4 Drjunken Ey4e Arreow Drujnken Eye4
Arroow Drynken Eyd

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