George Strait
When You're In Love

Don't go in the summertime
It's too hot and the rooms are high
But if you go in the fall, you'll have a ball
There's so much to see and do
When you're in love.

There's an old hotel right on the beach
Romantic rooms you won't want to leave
But take my word, take a stroll into town
There's so much to see and do
When you're in love.

Don't miss Jamaica Joe's
You can dine out fresco
Then dance in the street 'til the sun comes up
You can take a barefoot cruise
Share a moonlight made for two
There's so little time and so much to see and do
When you're in love.

Be sure and take, lots of pictures when you're there
Be sure and make, lots of memories, trust me.

Don't go in the summertime
It's too hot and the rooms are high
But if you go in the fall, you'll have a ball
There's so much to see and do
When you're in love.

There's so much to see and do
When you're in love...

Mirror lyrics:

When you're in love...
There's so much to see and do

When you're in love.
There's so much to see and do
But if you go in the fall, you'll have a ball
It's too hot and the rooms are high
Don't go in the summertime

Be sure and make, lots of memories, trust me.
Be sure and take, lots of pictures when you're there

When you're in love.
There's so little time and so much to see and do
Share a moonlight made for two
You can take a barefoot cruise
Then dance in the street 'til the sun comes up
You can dine out fresco
Don't miss Jamaica Joe's

When you're in love.
There's so much to see and do
But take my word, take a stroll into town
Romantic rooms you won't want to leave
There's an old hotel right on the beach

When you're in love.
There's so much to see and do
But if you go in the fall, you'll have a ball
It's too hot and the rooms are high
Don't go in the summertime

Relevant Tags:
WWhen YYou're IIn LLove hen ou're n ove hWen oYu're nI oLve ahen gou're jn kove aWhen gYou're jIn kLove Wahen Ygou're Ijn Lkove
3hen hou're 9n oove 3When hYou're 9In oLove W3hen Yhou're I9n Loove dhen 6ou're ln pove dWhen 6You're lIn pLove Wdhen Y6ou're Iln Lpove
ehen uou're on eWhen uYou're oIn Lve Wehen Yuou're Ion Lvoe shen 7ou're kn Lkve sWhen 7You're kIn Wshen Y7ou're Ikn Lokve
2hen jou're 8n L9ve 2When jYou're 8In L9ove W2hen Yjou're I8n Lo9ve qhen tou're un L0ve qWhen tYou're uIn L0ove Wqhen Ytou're Iun Lo0ve
Whhen Yoou're Inn Llve Wen Yu're I Llove Wehn Yuo're In Lolve Wjen Yku're Im Live Wjhen Ykou're Imn Liove Whjen Yoku're Inm Loive
Wuen Y9u're Ih Lovve Wuhen Y9ou're Ihn Loe Whuen Yo9u're Inh Loev Wnen Y0u're Ij Lobe Wnhen Y0ou're Lobve Whnen Yo0u're Inj Lovbe
Wben Ylu're Ib Loce Wbhen Ylou're Ibn Locve Whben Yolu're Inb Lovce Wgen Yiu're Loge Wghen Yiou're Logve Whgen Yoiu're Lovge
Wyen Youu're Lofe Wyhen Yo're Lofve Whyen Yo'ure Lovfe Wheen Yoh're Lovee Whn Yohu're Lov Whne Youh're Love
Whsn Yo7're Lovs Whsen Yo7u're Lovse Whesn You7're Loves Wh3n Yok're Lov3 Wh3en Lov3e Whe3n Youk're Love3
Whfn Yoi're Lovf

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