George Strait
What A Merry Christmas This Could Be

(Harlan Howard - Hank Cochran)

What a merry Christmas this could be
If you would just come back to me
And say that you've forgiven me
What a merry Christmas this could be.

It was just last Christmas that we quarreled and you walk out
I knew I was wrong but you'd come back I had not doubt
Now a year has rolled around this Christmas once again
And what I'd give if you'd come walkin' in.

What a merry Christmas this could be
If you would just come back to me
And say that you've forgiven me
What a merry Christmas this could be.

--- Instrumenal ---

What a merry Christmas this could be
If you would just come back to me
And say that you've forgiven me
What a merry Christmas this could be.

What a merry Christmas this could be...

Mirror lyrics:

What a merry Christmas this could be...

What a merry Christmas this could be.
And say that you've forgiven me
If you would just come back to me
What a merry Christmas this could be

--- Instrumenal ---

What a merry Christmas this could be.
And say that you've forgiven me
If you would just come back to me
What a merry Christmas this could be

And what I'd give if you'd come walkin' in.
Now a year has rolled around this Christmas once again
I knew I was wrong but you'd come back I had not doubt
It was just last Christmas that we quarreled and you walk out

What a merry Christmas this could be.
And say that you've forgiven me
If you would just come back to me
What a merry Christmas this could be

(Harlan Howard - Hank Cochran)

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