Satan Is A Lawyer

Lawyer talks, he's so correct, he is respect
He learned how to make you feel safe
and kill you with a smile
And the food so fast, the hair so clean
The moon so far, fire so weak

All those words flying in the air
Cannot see the stars
Images, colors, like wrong perfection
Wash my brain, dirty it's so clean
But who are you?
The mixture has no smell

Soon you will sit on the bench
of those who deny I have my soul
You sell a dream you create
Condemned by what you condemned before
Smooth are the words you sing down and high
Underground is your joy your laws
Satan is a lawyer
You choose the appearance of the futile
Trapped, a corner stops your back, you're out
Before you grow you will die...

Mirror lyrics:

Before you grow you will die...
Trapped, a corner stops your back, you're out
You choose the appearance of the futile
Satan is a lawyer
Underground is your joy your laws
Smooth are the words you sing down and high
Condemned by what you condemned before
You sell a dream you create
of those who deny I have my soul
Soon you will sit on the bench

The mixture has no smell
But who are you?
Wash my brain, dirty it's so clean
Images, colors, like wrong perfection
Cannot see the stars
All those words flying in the air

The moon so far, fire so weak
And the food so fast, the hair so clean
and kill you with a smile
He learned how to make you feel safe
Lawyer talks, he's so correct, he is respect

Relevant Tags:
SSatan IIs AA LLawyer atan s awyer aStan sI A aLwyer zatan js z kawyer zSatan jIs zA kLawyer Szatan Ijs Az Lkawyer
watan 9s q oawyer wSatan 9Is qA oLawyer Swatan I9s Aq Loawyer datan ls s pawyer dSatan lIs sA pLawyer Sdatan Ils As Lpawyer
eatan os w Laawyer eSatan oIs wA Lwyer Seatan Ios Aw Lwayer xatan ks x Lzwyer xSatan kIs xA Lzawyer Sxatan Iks Ax Lazwyer
aatan 8s Lqwyer aSatan 8Is Lqawyer Saatan I8s Laqwyer us Lswyer Stan uIs Lsawyer Staan Ius Laswyer
Sztan Iss Lwwyer I Lwawyer Saztan Is Lawwyer Sqtan Iz Lxwyer Sqatan Izs Lxawyer Saqtan Isz Laxwyer
Sstan Iw Ssatan Iws Layer Sastan Isw Laywer Swtan Id Laayer Ids Sawtan Isd Lawayer
Sxtan Ie La3yer Ies La3wyer Saxtan Ise Law3yer Sattan Ix Ladyer Saan Ixs Ladwyer Saatn Isx Lawdyer
Safan Ia Laeyer Saftan Ias Laewyer Satfan Isa Laweyer Sa5an Lasyer Sa5tan Sat5an Lawsyer
Sahan La2yer Sahtan La2wyer Sathan Law2yer Sayan Laqyer Saytan Satyan Lawqyer
Sa6an Lawyyer Sa6tan Lawer Sat6an Laweyr Sagan Lawger Sagtan Lawgyer

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