Go Go's
Our Lips Are Sealed

Can you hear them
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well that's no surprise

Can you see them
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
Our lips are sealed

There's a weapon
that We must use
In our defense

When you look at them
Look right through them
That's when they'll disappear
That's when we'll be feared

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
Our lips are sealed
Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway (hey hey hey)
Our lips are sealed

Hush, my darling
Don't you cry
Quiet, angel
Forget their lies

Can you hear them
They talk about us
Telling lies
Well that's no surprise

Can you see them
See right through them
They have no shield
No secrets to reveal

It doesn't matter what they say
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
Our lips are sealed
Pay no mind to what they say
It doesn't matter anyway (hey hey hey)
Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed

Mirror lyrics:

Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed
Our lips are sealed
It doesn't matter anyway (hey hey hey)
Pay no mind to what they say
Our lips are sealed
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
It doesn't matter what they say

No secrets to reveal
They have no shield
See right through them
Can you see them

Well that's no surprise
Telling lies
They talk about us
Can you hear them

Forget their lies
Quiet, angel
Don't you cry
Hush, my darling

Our lips are sealed
It doesn't matter anyway (hey hey hey)
Pay no mind to what they say
Our lips are sealed
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
It doesn't matter what they say

That's when we'll be feared
That's when they'll disappear
Look right through them
When you look at them

In our defense
that We must use
There's a weapon

Our lips are sealed
In the jealous games people play (hey hey hey)
It doesn't matter what they say

No secrets to reveal
They have no shield
See right through them
Can you see them

Well that's no surprise
Telling lies
They talk about us
Can you hear them

Relevant Tags:
OOur LLips AAre SSealed ur ips re ealed uOr iLps rAe eSaled kur kips zre zealed kOur kLips zAre zSealed Okur Lkips Azre Szealed
9ur oips qre wealed 9Our oLips qAre wSealed O9ur Loips Aqre Swealed 0ur pips sre dealed 0Our pLips sAre dSealed O0ur Lpips Asre Sdealed
lur Liips wre eealed lOur Lps wAre eSealed Olur Lpis Awre Seealed iur Ljps xre xealed iOur Ljips xAre xSealed Oiur Lijps Axre Sxealed
Ouur L9ps Arre aealed Or L9ips Ae aSealed Oru Li9ps Aer Saealed Ohr Llps Ade Ohur Llips Adre Saled Ouhr Lilps Arde Saeled
O7r Lops A4e Ssaled O7ur A4re Ssealed Ou7r Liops Ar4e Sesaled Okr Lkps Age S3aled Agre S3ealed Oukr Likps Arge Se3aled
Oir L8ps Ate Sfaled L8ips Atre Sfealed Ouir Li8ps Arte Sefaled O8r Lups A5e Sraled O8ur Luips A5re Srealed Ou8r Liups Ar5e Seraled
Ojr Lipps Afe S4aled Ojur Lis Afre S4ealed Oujr Lisp Arfe Se4aled Oyr Li0s Aee Sdaled Oyur Li0ps Aere Ouyr Lip0s Aree Sedaled
Ourr Lils Swaled Ou Ar Our Lipls Are Sewaled Oud Lios Ars Seaaled Oudr Arse Seled Ourd Lipos Ares Selaed
Ou4 Lipss Ar3 Sezled Ou4r Lip Ar3e Sezaled Our4 Lips Are3 Seazled Oug Lipz Arf Seqled Ougr Lipzs Seqaled Ourg Lipsz Aref Seaqled
Out Lipw Arr Sesled

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