Gogol Bordello
Strange Uncles From Abroad

My strange uncles from abroad
yes I never met'em!
but I took everything they wrote
and I'll never forget 'em!
Through the mystical communication
Deep within it all comes through
forming underground railroad
for our ultimate breakthrough!
My strange nephews from abroad
maybe I'll never meet 'em
They'll take everything I wrote and I'd never forbid 'em!
My strange uncles from beyond
I'll meet 'em on the cosmos street
and we will drink to how we told
to never trust a plastic beat
Through the mystical communication
deep within it all comes through
forming underground railroad
for our ultimate break through!

Mirror lyrics:

for our ultimate break through!
forming underground railroad
deep within it all comes through
Through the mystical communication
to never trust a plastic beat
and we will drink to how we told
I'll meet 'em on the cosmos street
My strange uncles from beyond
They'll take everything I wrote and I'd never forbid 'em!
maybe I'll never meet 'em
My strange nephews from abroad
for our ultimate breakthrough!
forming underground railroad
Deep within it all comes through
Through the mystical communication
and I'll never forget 'em!
but I took everything they wrote
yes I never met'em!
My strange uncles from abroad

Relevant Tags:
SStrange UUncles FFrom AAbroad trange ncles rom broad tSrange nUcles rFom bAroad ztrange hncles crom zbroad zStrange hUncles cFrom zAbroad
Sztrange Uhncles Fcrom Azbroad wtrange 7ncles rrom qbroad wStrange 7Uncles rFrom qAbroad Swtrange U7ncles Frrom Aqbroad dtrange kncles grom sbroad
dStrange kUncles gFrom sAbroad Sdtrange Ukncles Fgrom Asbroad etrange incles trom wbroad eStrange iUncles tFrom wAbroad Setrange Uincles Ftrom Awbroad
xtrange 8ncles vrom xbroad xStrange 8Uncles vFrom xAbroad Sxtrange U8ncles Fvrom Axbroad atrange jncles drom Abbroad aStrange jUncles dFrom Aroad
Satrange Ujncles Fdrom Arboad Sttrange yncles Avroad Srange yUncles Fom Avbroad Srtange Uyncles Form Abvroad Sfrange Unncles Fdom Agroad
Sftrange Ucles Agbroad Stfrange Ucnles Frdom Abgroad S5range Umcles F4om Anroad S5trange Umncles F4rom Anbroad St5range Unmcles Fr4om Abnroad
Shrange Uhcles Fgom Ahroad Shtrange Ahbroad Sthrange Unhcles Frgom Abhroad Syrange Ujcles Ftom Abrroad Sytrange Aboad
Styrange Unjcles Frtom Aborad S6range Ubcles F5om Abdoad S6trange Ubncles F5rom Abdroad St6range Unbcles Fr5om Abrdoad Sgrange Unccles Ffom Ab4oad
Sgtrange Unles Ffrom Ab4road Stgrange Unlces Frfom Abr4oad Srrange Unfles Feom Abgoad Srtrange Unfcles Ferom Strrange Uncfles Freom Abrgoad
Unxles Froom Abtoad Stange Unxcles Frm Abtroad Starnge Uncxles Frmo Abrtoad Stdange Unvles Frkm Ab5oad Stdrange Unvcles Frkom Ab5road
Strdange Uncvles Frokm Abr5oad St4ange Undles Fr9m Abfoad St4range Undcles Fr9om Abfroad Str4ange Uncdles Fro9m Abrfoad Stgange Unclles Fr0m Abeoad
Unces Fr0om Aberoad Strgange Uncels Fro0m Abreoad Sttange Unckes Frlm Abrooad Unckles Frlom Abrad Strtange Unclkes Frolm Abraod
St5ange Uncoes Frim Abrkad Uncoles Friom Abrkoad Str5ange Uncloes Froim Abrokad Stfange Uncpes Fromm Abr9ad Uncples Fro Abr9oad
Strfange Unclpes From Abro9ad Steange Unclees Froj Abr0ad Sterange Uncls Frojm Abr0oad Streange Unclse Fromj Abro0ad Straange Unclss Frok Abrlad

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