God Lives Underwater
Medicated To The One I Love

I just can't figure myself out
Or what's surrounding me
Or what I surround myself with

A 2 ton fist is pushing me
To the streets again
Looking for relief
In my restricted state

I wake from dreams of high
Before I rush by
A crush I have on you
You're a lover most true
I'm falling off again
You'll always be my friend
She never lies
But she eats me alive

Elastic mind that always bends
For my drug of choice (of choice)
I think I hear her voice
It's like pixies and angels and cocteau twins
So beautifully sung
It's a noose she's hung

I wake from dreams of high
Before I rush by
A crush I have on you
You're a lover most true
I'm falling off again
You'll always be my friend
She never lies
But she eats me alive

But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive

Mirror lyrics:

But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive
But she eats me alive

But she eats me alive
She never lies
You'll always be my friend
I'm falling off again
You're a lover most true
A crush I have on you
Before I rush by
I wake from dreams of high

It's a noose she's hung
So beautifully sung
It's like pixies and angels and cocteau twins
I think I hear her voice
For my drug of choice (of choice)
Elastic mind that always bends

But she eats me alive
She never lies
You'll always be my friend
I'm falling off again
You're a lover most true
A crush I have on you
Before I rush by
I wake from dreams of high

In my restricted state
Looking for relief
To the streets again
A 2 ton fist is pushing me

Or what I surround myself with
Or what's surrounding me
I just can't figure myself out

Relevant Tags:
MMedicated TTo TThe OOne II LLove edicated o he ne ove eMdicated oT hTe nOe I oLve jedicated fo fhe kne j kove jMedicated fTo fThe kOne jI kLove
Mjedicated Tfo Tfhe Okne Ij Lkove kedicated 5o 5he 9ne 9 oove kMedicated 5To 5The 9One 9I oLove Mkedicated T5o T5he O9ne I9 Loove nedicated ho hhe 0ne l pove
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Msdicated 6o 6he ine k Lkve Msedicated 6To 6The iOne kI Mesdicated T6o T6he Oine Ik Lokve M3dicated go ghe Onne 8 L9ve M3edicated gTo gThe Oe 8I L9ove
Me3dicated Tgo Tghe Oen I8 Lo9ve Mfdicated ro rhe Ome u L0ve Mfedicated rTo rThe Omne uI L0ove Mefdicated Tro Trhe Onme Iu Lo0ve Mrdicated Too Ohe Llve
Mredicated T Te Ohne Llove Merdicated To Teh Onhe Lolve M4dicated Tk Tje Oje Live M4edicated Tko Tjhe Ojne Liove Me4dicated Tok Thje Onje Loive
Mddicated T9 Tue Obe Lovve Mdedicated T9o Tuhe Obne Loe Meddicated To9 Thue Onbe Loev Mwdicated T0 Tne Onee Lobe Mwedicated T0o Tnhe On Lobve
Mewdicated To0 Thne One Lovbe Tl Tbe Ons Loce Meicated Tlo Tbhe Onse Locve Meidcated Tol Thbe Ones Lovce Mexicated Ti Tge On3 Loge
Mexdicated Tio On3e Logve Medxicated Toi Thge One3 Lovge Meeicated Tye Onf Lofe Onfe Lofve Medeicated Thye Onef Lovfe
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Mediucated Mediccated Mediated Mediacted Medifated

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