The Giveaway (featuring Wayne Static)

I could be like everything you want
Give you everything I've got inside
Take me to the place where I can never be free
Ripe my last hope right out of me

Don't you think that you're special
You could be anyone
Take the place of another
Cycle of delirium

Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away

I could turn myself into a miracle man
Bow before the things you hold sacred
Sparkling example of the one that you want
Leaving your existence mine to haunt

Don't you think this is unreal
You could be anyone
Take the place of another
End it all with a gun

Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away

And it feels the same with anyone
And I know this has been overdone
Now it feels the same with everyone
As I burn into oblivion

Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away

Now you see your time is done
Fill your space with anyone
Now you see your time is done
Fill your space with anyone

Mirror lyrics:

Fill your space with anyone
Now you see your time is done
Fill your space with anyone
Now you see your time is done

Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away

As I burn into oblivion
Now it feels the same with everyone
And I know this has been overdone
And it feels the same with anyone

Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away

End it all with a gun
Take the place of another
You could be anyone
Don't you think this is unreal

Leaving your existence mine to haunt
Sparkling example of the one that you want
Bow before the things you hold sacred
I could turn myself into a miracle man

Just give me away
I pray that everyday will be my last
Just give me away
I betray, I'm useless anyway
Just give me away

Cycle of delirium
Take the place of another
You could be anyone
Don't you think that you're special

Ripe my last hope right out of me
Take me to the place where I can never be free
Give you everything I've got inside
I could be like everything you want

Relevant Tags:
TThe GGiveaway ((featuring WWayne SStatic) he iveaway featuring ayne tatic) hTe iGveaway f(eaturing aWyne tSatic)
fhe hiveaway (ffeaturing aayne ztatic) fThe hGiveaway (eaturing aWayne zStatic) Tfhe Ghiveaway (efaturing Waayne Sztatic)
5he yiveaway (ceaturing 3ayne wtatic) 5The yGiveaway (cfeaturing 3Wayne wStatic) T5he Gyiveaway (fceaturing W3ayne Swtatic)
hhe biveaway (reaturing dayne dtatic) hThe bGiveaway (rfeaturing dWayne dStatic) Thhe Gbiveaway (freaturing Wdayne Sdtatic)
yhe viveaway (geaturing eayne etatic) yThe vGiveaway (gfeaturing eWayne eStatic) Tyhe Gviveaway (fgeaturing Weayne Setatic)
6he fiveaway (teaturing sayne xtatic) 6The fGiveaway (tfeaturing sWayne xStatic) T6he Gfiveaway (fteaturing Wsayne Sxtatic)
ghe tiveaway (veaturing 2ayne atatic) gThe tGiveaway (vfeaturing 2Wayne aStatic) Tghe Gtiveaway (fveaturing W2ayne Satatic)
rhe Giiveaway (deaturing qayne Sttatic) rThe Gveaway (dfeaturing qWayne Satic) Trhe Gvieaway (fdeaturing Wqayne Sattic)
Gjveaway (feeaturing Sfatic) Te Gjiveaway (faturing Wyne Sftatic) Teh Gijveaway (faeturing Wyane Stfatic)
Tje G9veaway (fsaturing Wzyne S5atic) Tjhe G9iveaway (fseaturing Wzayne S5tatic) Thje Gi9veaway (fesaturing Wazyne St5atic)
Tue Glveaway (f3aturing Wqyne Shatic) Tuhe Gliveaway (f3eaturing Shtatic) Thue Gilveaway (fe3aturing Waqyne Sthatic)
Tne Goveaway (ffaturing Wsyne Syatic) Tnhe Goiveaway Sytatic) Thne Gioveaway (fefaturing Wasyne Styatic)
Tbe Gkveaway (fraturing Wwyne S6atic) Tbhe Gkiveaway Wwayne S6tatic) Thbe Gikveaway (feraturing Wawyne St6atic)
Tge G8veaway (f4aturing Wxyne Sgatic) G8iveaway (f4eaturing Wxayne Sgtatic) Thge Gi8veaway (fe4aturing Waxyne Stgatic)
Tye Guveaway (fdaturing Wayyne Sratic) Guiveaway Wane Srtatic) Thye Giuveaway (fedaturing Wanye Stratic)
Thee Givveaway (fwaturing Wagne Staatic) Th Gieaway (fweaturing Wagyne Sttic) The Gievaway (fewaturing Waygne Sttaic)
Ths Gibeaway (feaaturing Wahne Stztic) Thse Gibveaway (feturing Wahyne Stzatic) Thes Givbeaway (fetauring Wayhne Staztic)
Th3 Giceaway (fezturing Wa6ne Stqtic) Th3e Gicveaway (fezaturing Wa6yne Stqatic) The3 Givceaway (feazturing Way6ne Staqtic)
Thf Gigeaway (feqturing Waune Ststic) Thfe Gigveaway (feqaturing Wauyne Stsatic) Thef Givgeaway (feaqturing Wayune Stastic)
Thr Gifeaway (festuring Wa7ne Stwtic) Thre Gifveaway Wa7yne Stwatic) Ther Givfeaway (feasturing Way7ne Stawtic)
Th4 Giveeaway (fewturing Wajne Stxtic) Th4e Givaway Wajyne Stxatic) The4 Givaeway (feawturing Wayjne Staxtic)
Thd Givsaway (fexturing Watne Stattic) Thde Givseaway (fexaturing Watyne Staic) Thed Givesaway (feaxturing Waytne Staitc)
Thw Giv3away (featturing Waynne Stafic) Thwe Giv3eaway (feauring Waye Staftic) Thew Give3away (feautring Wayen Statfic)
Givfaway (feafuring Wayme Sta5ic) (feafturing Waymne Sta5tic) Givefaway (featfuring Waynme Stat5ic)
Givraway (fea5uring Wayhe Stahic) Givreaway (fea5turing Stahtic) Giveraway (feat5uring Waynhe Stathic)
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Givwaway (fea6uring Waynee Stagic) Givweaway (fea6turing Wayn Stagtic) Givewaway (feat6uring Wayne Statgic)
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