Trapped In Your Lies

You, you can try and keep me down
Pull me under watch me drown
Given half a chance to be
I know I can break this tragedy

Nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
Gotta' get away
Gotta' get away from you
As I look to the skies

I'm trapped in your lies
You pushed me too far this time
I've opened up my eyes
I see your demise
looked through your disguise this time
I'm breaking down you lies

Now, now you try to set me free
Let your guilt wash over me
Given half a chance to see
I know this is all concessionary

Nothing you can say
Nothing you can do
Gotta' get away
Gotta' get away from you
As I look to the skies

I'm trapped in your lies
You pushed me too far this time
I've opened up my eyes
I see your demise
looked through your disguise this time
I'm breaking down you lies

Mirror lyrics:

I'm breaking down you lies
looked through your disguise this time
I see your demise
I've opened up my eyes
You pushed me too far this time
I'm trapped in your lies

As I look to the skies
Gotta' get away from you
Gotta' get away
Nothing you can do
Nothing you can say

I know this is all concessionary
Given half a chance to see
Let your guilt wash over me
Now, now you try to set me free

I'm breaking down you lies
looked through your disguise this time
I see your demise
I've opened up my eyes
You pushed me too far this time
I'm trapped in your lies

As I look to the skies
Gotta' get away from you
Gotta' get away
Nothing you can do
Nothing you can say

I know I can break this tragedy
Given half a chance to be
Pull me under watch me drown
You, you can try and keep me down

Relevant Tags:
TTrapped IIn YYour LLies rapped n our ies rTapped nI oYur iLes frapped jn gour kies fTrapped jIn gYour kLies Tfrapped Ijn Ygour Lkies
5rapped 9n hour oies 5Trapped 9In hYour oLies T5rapped I9n Yhour Loies hrapped ln 6our pies hTrapped lIn 6Your pLies Thrapped Iln Y6our Lpies
yrapped on uour Liies yTrapped oIn uYour Les Tyrapped Ion Yuour Leis 6rapped kn 7our Ljes 6Trapped kIn 7Your Ljies T6rapped Ikn Y7our Lijes
grapped 8n jour L9es gTrapped 8In jYour L9ies Tgrapped I8n Yjour Li9es rrapped un tour Lles rTrapped uIn tYour Llies Trrapped Iun Ytour Liles
Inn Yoour Loes Tapped I Yur Tarpped In Yuor Lioes Tdapped Im Ykur Lkes Tdrapped Imn Ykour Trdapped Inm Yokur Likes
T4apped Ih Y9ur L8es T4rapped Ihn Y9our L8ies Tr4apped Inh Yo9ur Li8es Tgapped Ij Y0ur Lues Y0our Luies Trgapped Inj Yo0ur Liues
Ttapped Ib Ylur Liees Ttrapped Ibn Ylour Lis Trtapped Inb Yolur Lise T5apped Yiur Liss Yiour Lises Tr5apped Yoiur Liess
Tfapped Youur Li3s Yor Li3es Trfapped Yoru Lie3s Teapped Yohr Lifs Terapped Yohur Lifes Treapped Youhr Liefs
Traapped Yo7r Lirs Trpped Yo7ur Lires Trpaped You7r Liers Trzpped Yokr Li4s Trzapped Li4es Trazpped Youkr Lie4s
Trqpped Yoir Lids Trqapped Lides Traqpped Youir Lieds Trspped Yo8r Liws Trsapped Yo8ur Liwes Traspped You8r Liews

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