Tired Old Man

I want to be overcome
But I can't, I am numb
I want to see what's become
Close my eyes, bite my tongue
If you'll believe in me I'll try not to die
If work keeps me living its got to start giving me life
Not just strife

I'm so tired of living here
I'm so tired of giving here


I want to run and be free
But I can't, I'm so weak (yeah)
I want to hold you again
In my arms, my old friend
I have just one more chance to feel
What is real
I can't keep on going I feel my mind slowing
My heart's torn apart

I'm so tired of living here
I'm so tired of giving here

Mirror lyrics:

I'm so tired of giving here
I'm so tired of living here

My heart's torn apart
I can't keep on going I feel my mind slowing
What is real
I have just one more chance to feel
In my arms, my old friend
I want to hold you again
But I can't, I'm so weak (yeah)
I want to run and be free


I'm so tired of giving here
I'm so tired of living here

Not just strife
If work keeps me living its got to start giving me life
If you'll believe in me I'll try not to die
Close my eyes, bite my tongue
I want to see what's become
But I can't, I am numb
I want to be overcome

Relevant Tags:
TTired OOld MMan ired ld an iTred lOd aMn fired kld jan fTired kOld jMan Tfired Okld Mjan 5ired 9ld kan 5Tired 9Old kMan T5ired O9ld Mkan
hired 0ld nan hTired 0Old nMan Thired O0ld Mnan yired lld Maan yTired lOld Mn Tyired Olld Mna 6ired ild Mzn 6Tired iOld Mzan T6ired Oild Mazn
gired Mqn gTired Od Mqan Tgired Odl Maqn rired Okd Msn rTired Msan Trired Olkd Masn Tiired Ood Mwn Tred Oold Mwan Tried Olod Mawn
Tjred Opd Mxn Tjired Opld Mxan Tijred Olpd Maxn T9red Oldd Mann T9ired Ol Ma Ti9red Old Man Tlred Olx Mam Tlired Olxd Mamn Tilred Oldx Manm
Tored Ole Mah Toired Oled Mahn Tiored Olde Manh Tkred Olf Maj Tkired Olfd Majn Tikred Oldf Manj T8red Olr Mab T8ired Olrd Mabn Ti8red Oldr Manb
Tured Olc Tuired Olcd Tiured Oldc Tirred Ols Tied Olsd Tierd Olds Tided Tidred Tirded

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