George Strait
I Aint' Her Cowboy Anymore

I pack up my saddle
Throw it in that two-horse trailer
Back up my truck, hook 'em up
And drive away
Won't be the first time
But this time's the last time
She meant it when she said
That's all I've got to say
Never had been thrown like this before
I ain't her cowboy anymore.

Never saw it comin'
But I knew where it was goin'
When she asked how long this time
Before I hit the road
She didn't come right out and say it
But I sure got the message
When I reached out to hold her
That shoulder sure was cold
Figured I'd just let goodbye run its course
I ain't her cowboy anymore.

These white lines are a blur
Like the last few nights I spent with her
I don't know where I went wrong or if I did
Like the good ol' boy I am
I told her that I understand
But Lord knows that I won't long as I live
Seems lately every time it rains it pours
I ain't her cowboy anymore.

We met in Denver
Settled down in Dallas
The best days of my life
Were the ones I spent with her
You'd think that all that lovin' ought to count for something
Guess I wore out my welcome
Like the rowels of these old spurs
That Casper sunset's what I'm shootin' for
'Cause I ain't her cowboy anymore.

These white lines are a blur
Like the last few nights I spent with her
I don't know where I went wrong or if I did
Like the good ol' boy I am
I told her that I understand
But Lord knows that I won't long as I live
Seems lately every time it rains it pours
I ain't her cowboy anymore.

Her cowboy anymore
I ain't her cowboy anymore...

Mirror lyrics:

I ain't her cowboy anymore...
Her cowboy anymore

I ain't her cowboy anymore.
Seems lately every time it rains it pours
But Lord knows that I won't long as I live
I told her that I understand
Like the good ol' boy I am
I don't know where I went wrong or if I did
Like the last few nights I spent with her
These white lines are a blur

'Cause I ain't her cowboy anymore.
That Casper sunset's what I'm shootin' for
Like the rowels of these old spurs
Guess I wore out my welcome
You'd think that all that lovin' ought to count for something
Were the ones I spent with her
The best days of my life
Settled down in Dallas
We met in Denver

I ain't her cowboy anymore.
Seems lately every time it rains it pours
But Lord knows that I won't long as I live
I told her that I understand
Like the good ol' boy I am
I don't know where I went wrong or if I did
Like the last few nights I spent with her
These white lines are a blur

I ain't her cowboy anymore.
Figured I'd just let goodbye run its course
That shoulder sure was cold
When I reached out to hold her
But I sure got the message
She didn't come right out and say it
Before I hit the road
When she asked how long this time
But I knew where it was goin'
Never saw it comin'

I ain't her cowboy anymore.
Never had been thrown like this before
That's all I've got to say
She meant it when she said
But this time's the last time
Won't be the first time
And drive away
Back up my truck, hook 'em up
Throw it in that two-horse trailer
I pack up my saddle

Relevant Tags:
II AAint' HHer CCowboy AAnymore int' er owboy nymore I iAnt' eHr oCwboy nAymore j zint' jer fowboy znymore jI zAint' jHer fCowboy zAnymore
Ij Azint' Hjer Cfowboy Aznymore 9 qint' uer xowboy qnymore 9I qAint' uHer xCowboy qAnymore I9 Aqint' Huer Cxowboy Aqnymore l sint' ner vowboy snymore
lI sAint' nHer vCowboy sAnymore Il Asint' Hner Cvowboy Asnymore o wint' ber dowboy wnymore oI wAint' bHer dCowboy wAnymore Io Awint' Hber Cdowboy Awnymore
k xint' ger Coowboy xnymore kI xAint' gHer Cwboy xAnymore Ik Axint' Hger Cwoboy Axnymore 8 Aiint' yer Ckwboy Annymore 8I Ant' yHer Ckowboy Aymore
I8 Anit' Hyer Cokwboy Aynmore u Ajnt' Heer C9wboy Amymore uI Ajint' Hr C9owboy Amnymore Iu Aijnt' Hre Co9wboy Anmymore A9nt' Hsr C0wboy Ahymore
A9int' Hser C0owboy Ahnymore Ai9nt' Hesr Co0wboy Anhymore Alnt' H3r Clwboy Ajymore Alint' H3er Clowboy Ajnymore Ailnt' He3r Colwboy Anjymore
Aont' Hfr Ciwboy Abymore Aoint' Hfer Ciowboy Abnymore Aiont' Hefr Coiwboy Anbymore Aknt' Hrr Cowwboy Anyymore Akint' Hrer Coboy Anmore
Aiknt' Herr Cobwoy Anmyore A8nt' H4r Coaboy Angmore A8int' H4er Coawboy Angymore Ai8nt' He4r Cowaboy Anygmore Aunt' Hdr Co3boy Anhmore
Auint' Hder Co3wboy Aiunt' Hedr Cow3boy Anyhmore Ainnt' Hwr Codboy An6more Ait' Hwer Codwboy An6ymore Aitn' Hewr Cowdboy Any6more
Aimt' Coeboy Anumore Aimnt' He Coewboy Anuymore Ainmt' Her Coweboy Anyumore Aiht' Hed Cosboy An7more Aihnt' Coswboy An7ymore
Ainht' Herd Cowsboy Any7more Aijt' He4 Co2boy Anjmore Co2wboy Ainjt' Her4 Cow2boy Anyjmore Aibt' Heg Coqboy Antmore
Aibnt' Hegr Coqwboy Antymore Ainbt' Herg Cowqboy Anytmore Aintt' Het Cowbboy Anymmore Ain' Hetr Cowoy Anyore Ain't Hert Cowoby Anyomre
Ainf' He5 Cowvoy Anyjore Ainft' He5r Cowvboy Aintf' Her5 Cowbvoy Anymjore

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